Neo Gundam Wing Side Story~~"Let's Make a Switch!"
Duo Winner
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the cool people. ChibiChibi and Nanami Tendo own them; and Sunrise and Bandai own all the hot people. ^-^ I don't own the song just communication, either!
By Erica Peters and Harmony Pope ( and )
*Duo: Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! I won't go! You can't make me! *clutches at the doormat on the front porch of the Winner mansion* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Hilde: *dragging Duo* But you have to! We all agreed! Do you think I'm happy that I have to spend a week
with Trowa as you?!
Duo: Yeah, you're probably going to cheat on me!
Hilde: Duo, Trowa's my brother-in-law!
Duo: Oh.  But still, it's bad enough being on the same planet as that thing!  Now I have to live with her!?
Hilde: It's only for a week!
Duo: Easy for you to say!
Dorothy: *pops up out of nowhere* Hi, everybody!
Duo: Aaaaaaaaah! A giant cockroach!
Dorothy: *to Hilde* May I?
Hilde: Be my guest.
Dorothy: Thanks! *smacks Duo until his head bleeds*
Duo: *bandages up his head* See how evil she is?!

Dorothy: C'mon, you gotta go to work!
Duo: Where does Quatre work, anyways? *evil grin* Oh, I remember now! *gives Hilde a kiss[1], and sets off to "work"* Bye, Cockroach!
Dorothy: He's going to-
Hilde: Yep.
Dorothy: Well, at least we know Quatre won't get fired, cuz it won't be his fault!
Quatre: *at Wufei's* *hits head* someone's talking about me . . . *

Duo: I'll have a . . . god whatever happened to good old fashioned Moonshine?!
Bartender: having a bad day?
Duo: Heero's wife thought that it would be "fun" if we all switched places. And I got stuck living with the Cockroach!
Bartender: Oh. That's worthy of a Moonshine. *hands Duo giant bottle* on the house!
Duo: Really? Cool! *drinks it in one swig*

Eight hours and five bottles later . . .
Duo: Izzzzz Gots to get hooooooooooooooooooome *goes to his house
Hilde: *watching t.v.* Duo: go to Quatre's
Duo: Shiiiiiiiiiiiit . . . . . it didn't work *goes to Quatre's*
Shingo: Are you okay, Mr. Maxwell?
Duo: Caaaaaall mez Duuuuuuuuuuuoooooooooo . . . . .why wouldn't I be okay?
Shingo: Um, "Duo" you're on the floor . . . and your drunk, and you've got a half full bottle of moonshine in your hand.  I should "confiscate" that.. *takes it and drinks the rest, is drunk* Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeets go upstairs!
Duo: okay! *walks upstairs w/Shingo**
Shingo: Leeeeeeeeeeeeet's get some music!
Duo: *puts in a two-mix cd and starts listening to "Just Communication" "Just wild beat communication"
Shingo: "ame ni utare nagara"
Duo and Shingo: "iroesenai, atsui amoi, karada juu de tsutaetai yo tonight!"
Duo: "Nureta sono kata wo . . . . " whaaaaaaaaaat coomes next?
Shingo: I doooooooon't knoooooow!
Duo: Hey, i know yooooooouuuuuu! Yooooouuuuuur alwaaaaaaaaays hangiiing out wiiiiiiiiiiith the Yuuuuuuuy person
Shingo: Whiiiiiiiich one?
Duo: Huuuuuuuuuh?
Shingo: there's *starts counting on his fingers* four of them! Haruka, smart Haruka, the old guy, the one who can't cook, and the one who doesn't talk. *looks at fingers* No, that's not four! That's *counting again* Six!

Meanwhile . . . .
Dorothy: And why do you need $13,000?
Sally: I'd rather not tell you
Dorothy: Oh, Is Qua-chan causing trouble?
Sally, Kin, Gin, Torrance, Kasuka, Yowamushi, and
Meiran: NO!
Dorothy: Okay . . .

Dorothy enters Shingo's room.
Dorothy: What are you doing? Are you drunk?
Shingo: Whyyyyyyy would yooooooooouuuuuuuuthink that momyyyyyyy?
Duo: "While being pounded by rain. I want to express this unfading passion with my entire body tonight!"
Dorothy: Because he's singing "Just Communication" inEnglish!
Duo: Even if it's in broken speech, I want you to tell me your pain . . . "
Shingo: Yes, Duo, what is your pain?!
Duo: L-liviiiiing with that Coooooooooooooooockroooooooach
Shingo: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey thaaaaaaaaat's my mooooooooooooomyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! *punches Duo in the jaw*

The fight goes on for hours.

Dorothy: Oh, fine! Shingo, go to bed, Duo, go to the couch!
Both: *sober* okay!

Duo goes to a bar, and unknowingly buys non-alcoholic beer (Hilde told the bartender to give it to him)
Duo: Why am I not drunk?  Oh, well, I'll just go get high. *gets high, goes to Quatre's house*
Shingo: Hey, Duo, it's 8:00. Let's watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer! [2]
Duo: Okay! *watches Buffy fight wearing tight clothes, and watches Willow make out with Tara* *hit pajama pants start to "dance"*
Shingo: *same as Duo*
Dorothy: What do you guys see in this show?
Shingo: Same thing we see in Baywatch!
Dorothy: *rolls eyes* I thought so

Duo Decides to go to a different bar today. He gets completely hammered, and for some reason, heads over to Heero's house, and goes to sleep in Haruka's bed
Haruka: Mr. Maxwell! Get the hell out of my bed!
Duo: *asleep* Wheeeeeeeere's the remooooooote?
Haruka: Mill! Get over here!
Milliardo: What?
Haruka: *point*
Milliardo: If you don't leave now, my mom will make you stay for dinner!
Duo: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! *runs back over to Quatre's*

He arrives
Shingo: You wouldn't leave my friend alone!!!!!
Duo: ........
Shingo: He said you were so drunk you slept in his bed!
Duo: .........
Shingo: You made him cry!
Duo: HahahahahahahaAHAHAJHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! That's funny!

Dorothy: *picks up the phone, calls Relena*
Relena: Hello? Oh, hi Dorothy!
Dorothy: Relena, This is all your fault! Duo and
Shingo are beating the shit out of each other!
Relena: *laughs her ass off*
Dorothy: *slams the phone down* I give up

Duo: I am sooooooooo hung over!
Dorothy: Then maybe just maybe you shouldn't drink so much!
Dorothy: Why don't you stay home from "work" today?
Duo: NOOOOO!!!!! *clears throat* I mean, I have to!
Dorothy: No! *duct tapes Duo to the wall upside-down*
Duo: Damn

Shingo walks by with Haruka
Shingo: Hi
Duo: *tries to point at 'Ruka* You cried! *laughs histerically*
Haruka: *getting pissed* did you lie, Shingo?
Shingo: NO! He's obviously stoned
Haruka: Oh, okay.

*Friday, 6:00 AM*
Duo is still upside-down. He struggles with the duct tape for about two hours.
Duo: *thud* *is asleep*

At around 10:00 AM, Duo is getting kicked in the face by Dorothy
Duo: Ah! Cockroach feelers!
Duo: The greatest god in the heavens, Shingami!

Shingo walks up
Shingo: Hi
Duo: Hey, your supposed to be at school!
Shingo: It's the middle of July!
Duo: So! Go to school!

Dorothy: *picks up phone* Relena, They're at it again! *finds little medicine bottle* OH SHIT! IT"S QUATRE'S PROZAC!!!!

-----------------------By Erica and Harmony
Duo: Why did it end with Friday?
Harmony: Cuz' someone had a writer's block!
Erica: Heeeeeey!
Harmony: Sorry!
Duo's Who's your next victim?
Erica: Quatre!
Duo: Does this mean my torture is over?
Harmony: You'll see, Duo-kun *glomps Duo*

[1] Hilde visits Duo every morning
[2] Buffy is my favorite show that isn't Gundam Wing