
Disclaimer: no i dont own any of these charecters except the charecters i made up so dont ask. most of the ngw kids are owned by the wonderful chibichibi-chan. just tell me wut you guys think after you're done. tootlez~ Scythe ( email )


The sun was beating down on the NGW kids as they were sipping refreshments in a nearby snack shack near the hotel pool.

Haruka: *O.O* Good God!!! Look at that babe that just walked by!!! *faints*
Milliardo: Oi! *makes an attempt to wake up the blonde haired replica of himself* Why *grunt* do *sag* you *grunt* have *sag* to *grunt* eat *sag* SO *grunt* *sag* MUCH *grunt and sag* ......FOOD?!? *wipes sweatdrops from his forehead*
Shingo: *staring over Haruka on the floor* Dude you tottaly blacked out there!! And you were right that babe that walked by was a major fox...AND YOU MISSED HER!!!!!
Haruka:*quickly getting to his feet at shingo's coment* WHAT???? I MISSED THE BABE?!?!?! *sobbing like a child*
Milliardo: *sitting back down in his chair* I didnt think she was all that at all ! Duet is MUCH prettier than that...that...THING with fake boobs.
Haruka and Shingo: O.O WHAT?!?
Duet: *walking over to the boys table* Hey guys *directs her voice over to Milliardo in a two peice bathing suit with strawberries in the wrong places* My Mill-chan!! *glomp*
Milliardo: *blush* Hi Duet.*o.O*
Duet: Do you wanna come over to the girls table with me Mill-chan?
Milliardo: um...... hold on*gets up and stretches after dragging his brother off the ground* ok ready *grabs his towel and follows Duet*
Shingo: *Did you just see that? *points to Milliardo and Duet* he left us!!
Haruka: Good. Now i dont have to isten to him telling me what the hell to do and not do when im with my friends. Hes like a second God Damn mother!! It sucks!
Shingo:*holding down a laugh* Well ...... um*looses his words and rces after a tall pink haired girl in red G-string with a very small matching halter top rollerblading on the beach and he follows*
Haruka:Shingo....where'd ya go man...OOOOO *sees Shingo and does the same*

At the girls table the girls are being entertained by Milliardo, Quasar, and Emily (Quasar and Emily are good friends of Milliardo's he describes them as the sisters he never had).

Quasar: Hey Em..*laughing* tell Ariel wut happened to that abnoxious hot guy in California.*laughing louder than ever*
Emily:....ok..... why?
Quasar:'cause*laughing* its funny.
Emily: ok here goes.. *tells her story about the abonoxious hot guy in California andastarts laughing herself.* and there you have it 'the story of the abnoxious hot guy in California.
Ariel: that story was funny as me dumpnig shingo!!
Milliardo: ¬.¬ wut was so funny about him getting his nuts chomped off by a female dog?
All the girls:O.O Milliardo!!! its funny as hell to see a guy get his nuts chopped off by a female dog!!!
Ling:*walking over to the girls table* Hello weaklings!
Girls: ¬.¬
Ling:*sweatdrops* uh..heheheh...hello girls...*sees milliardo and wonders why the weakling yuy child would actually hang around a bunch of girls* i see you have nothing better to do Yuy!
Miliardo: ¬.¬ shut up Ling, my girlfriend invited me to the table and i accepted...*thinking of a comeback* Well Ling wheres your summer girlfriend? is she afraid of the water? *smirk*
Ling: *under his breath* i dont have a girl friend*looks over at emily in her black bikini in contrast to her beautiful skin, her violet eyes, and golden hair. he cant seem to get his eyes off her*
Milliardo: Ling...Ling LING!!!
Ling: *coming out of his dream* ......wut is it Yuy?
Miliardo:*motions for ling to follow him. to the girls* itll only be a moment ladies.* to ling* do you like my friend Emily??? cause I saw you eyeing her.
Ling: *blushes* well she is eye candy......*thinking* ......wut are you going to do?
Milliardo: im gonna ask my brother to hook you two up.
Milliardo:quiet down she will hear you!!!

While Ling and Milliardo disscussed how Ling would get with Emily a farmiliar voice is heard by the boys table.

WuFei: INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!
Miliardo and Ling: OH SHIT!
Ling: Im right here father *walks over to his outraged father with caution*
Milliardo: i think i better go now *power walks to the gurls table*
WuFei:¬.¬ LING, FOLLOW ME....NOW! 
Ling: Why?
WuFei: Now you will tell me why you are interested in that weak onna by the name of Emily!
Ling:o.O you were watching me?
Wufei:of course i was! i have the right to watch my weakling children and know what they are doing!!
Ling: but why me??? why not kin or gin???
Wufei:because your sisters are with you mother out to lunch!
Ling: *under his breath* figures
Wufei:now you will stay in your hotel room until i can think of a way to get you away form that weak onna!

Meanwhile, while Ling is stuck in his hotel room, the subject at the girls table is no other than ................Ling.

Emily: Does Ling have a girlfriend??? *blushing*
All: O.O
Emily: WHAT NOW???
Quasar: you like LING?????
Milliardo:*thinking to himself* perfect now i can get them together it might not work but it maybe worth a try......oh shit im gonna need my brothers help on this, but then hes gonna want something from me*out loud* Do YOU have a boyfriend Em?
Ariel:you and Ling would look adorable together!!! dont ya think? at least you would look better than me and that bastard shingo, hes such an asshole!
Duet: then why did you say yes to him in the firstplace???
Ariel: well he was kinda cute looking.
Milliardo:o...k. wutever. now back to the subject. Emily, do you actually like Ling??
Emily: Well.....*thinking* o crap whut do i say to these people, i mean whuts thier reaction gonna be?? *out loud* hes...ok i guess.
All: o.O are you serious!?!?
Emily: well..yeah whats so bad about liking Ling??
Duet: hes the son of Chang WuFei!!!!! And you dont want to get mixed up with WuFei!!!! Hell chop your head off with his Katana!!
Quasar: Are you serious???
All: *anime fall* NO
Quasar: o...

While the girls table is talking about Emily and Ling, Haruka and Shingo show up with Triage and Nova at Lings hotel room

Ling:*staring out the window to wear the girls table is,looking at Emily* She has fairly beautiful eyes.
Haruka: *banging on the door* Ling!!! Open UP!!!
Ling: *groans* what do you want Yuy???
Shingo: Just let us IN, Ling!!
Ling:*walks over to the door and unlatches about fiftymillion locks and finally mananges to open the door* What?
Triage:A little birdy told us that YOU like Miliardo's friend Emily...........Good going Lingy boy!!
Nova: leave him alone, Triage. I dont know why you guys care so much about Ling's love life.
Shingo: So what are ya gonna do about Ling? huh, huh, huh???
Ling: NOTHING!!* slams the door*
Haruka: *shouting at the top of his lungs* OPEN THE GOD DAMN DOOR LING!!!!
All the boys outside the door:O.O
Ling: sorry. well......
Haruka: we want YOU to get hooked up with Emily.
Nova:c'mon you guys leave him alone. hes probably getting annoyed of us anyways.
Shingo:Shut UP Nova!!
Nova: ok whatever you say.*leaves the hotel room to go to the girls table*
Ling: Why do you want me to do that?
Ling:So. It doesnt concern you weaklings if I have a girlfriend or not. *shuts out Triage, Shingo and Haruka once more and walks to the window* Why do those weaklings care about my love life? anyways she is rather beautiful.

Ling hears a banging noise on his door and is startled. All of a sudden the door breaks down and Triage,shingo, and Haruka, fall on the floor of Lings room. The boys groan and rub the soar spots on their heads and get up off the floor.

Haruka: do what for?
Shingo: Cool your jets! And for Kami-Sama's sakes LOWER YOUR VOICE!!
Shingo: there.
Triage: anyways . so are ya gonna hook up with her or not?
Ling:*pacing the floor* maybe...ok.....fine ill hook up with her but you guys have to help.
Ling:sure why not? she is beautiful and all......
Haruka: Whoa! *looking out the window* the girls are in the pool you guys should see this!!!
The boys all rush to the window and watch the girsl slowly get into the pool.
Boys: O.O
Ling: should i go down there?
Shingo: You bet your left nuts you better go down there because Emily is dripping wet and shes sun bathing, Ling!!
Haruka: *jumping up and down like a child* can we go? can we, can we, can we please please???
Triage: I'm there!

The boys dart out of Lings room and down to the pool. they walk around a bit and finally decide to sit down. Haruka sits next to Milliardo and Duet, Triage sits next Nova and Torrance, Shingo sits next to Ariel and Quasar, and Ling sits next to of course Emily.

Duet: Mill-chan look, Ling is sitting next to Emily!! How cute!!
Milliardo: I wish he would just ask her out already. He seems to like her alot. Cause at the table I saw him eyeing her rather closely. and he called her eye candy when i pulled him away to talk to him.
Haruka: Are you serious??
Milliardo: Yes I'm serious! Besides, what do you know about them?
Duet: Would you guys stop!! We're supposed to be enjoying Tahiti!
Milliardo: Ok Duet-chan.
Haruka: Ya know what? We should plan a candle lit dinner for the two of them.
Miliardo and Duet: Why?
Haruka: Because they like eachother.
Milliardo: Hmm....... it does make sense if you really think about it.
Duet: We should talk to the others first so we can plan this together.
Ruka and Mill: ok

Haruka, Milliardo, and Duet look closely at Ling and Emily. They seem to be talking intently, and Ling is making Emily laugh.

Ling: Where were you born?
Emily: Oh, um I think i was born in HiroshimaIm I'm n-*Ling leans in and gives Emily a kiss and she accepts it*
Ling: I cant believe I juts did that!!
Emily: Me either! Want to do it again?..
Ling: sure *gives Emily another kiss*

While they are kissing the rest of the NGW kids are watching closely with their mouths gapped open wide staring at Ling and Emily, but little do they know that the greath chang wu fei is watching very closely at his son with the same expression on his face.

~*~*~*~*~* END of part 1

So what did you guys think email me your reveiws!! find out what happens next to Emily and Ling. Will Wu Fei accept them being together or will he forbid their love
