By Megan Stabler
December 24...
The group was hanging out at a local park.
 Haruka: DIE BAKA! *throws a rather small snowball at Shingo*
Shingo: *Watches as the ball lands a few feet away from him* That sucked. *goes to the top of a hill and makes a small snowball and rolls it down the hill*
Haruka: O.o;;; *stares at the huge ball of snow that is coming towards him* Ack! *begins to run*
Duet: *looks up from her book and shakes her head* kids...
Ariel: ...
Ling: *stares at the boys for a few seconds and walks off*
Haruka: *Gets smushed by the ball* @.@
Shingo: *Laughs like a mad man* ^O^ Ready for another?
Haruka: *Eyes widen* *runs quickly not watching where he's going*

As Haruka was running as far as he could from Shingo he crashed into someone.

Girl: *falls over*
Haruka: *helps girl up* I'm sorry. *examines her face* Hey! You're that new girl from school aren't you? Zatine right?
Zatine: *keeps eyes down* *shyly nods*
Haruka: *playfully* What? Did you not learn to talk? You never talk at school.
Zatine: I'm sorry.
Haruka: There see that wasn't so hard. ^.^ *looks at her hat* Hey. Tell me this: why do you ALWAYS wear that damn hat? *begins to take off hat.*
Zatine: Please don't...
Haruka: Too bad. *snatches her hat and runs off with it* *hides behind a tree*
Zatine: ...
Haurka: *eyes widen as he notices she has cat-like ears along with human ones* Wow...
Zatine: *ears twitch to the sound of his voice*
Haruka: Uh-Oh...
Zatine: *Runs up to where he is and pounces on top of him.*
Haruka: *finally gets to see her eyes* Pretty. *stares into her sky blue eyes*
Zatine: *stares back for a moment* *blushes grabbing her hat* *gets up* *Quickly runs off*
Haruka gets up and walks back to the group...

Milliardo: *notices Haruka* HEY! WHERE WERE YOU?!
Haruka: *looking down*
Shingo: Yo man. What's wrong?
Haruka: *looks at Shingo* Does it really matter?
Shingo: ...not really... but... *becomes rather hyper* TELL ME!!!!!
Haruka; *stares at Shingo for a few seconds and slaps him, hard*
Shingo: Damn! What was that for?!
Haruka: *coldly* for butting into my buisness.
 Both boys begin to argue very loudly and Duet and Ariel try to break up the fight
Ling: *looks at Mill* What's going on?
Milliardo: I have no Idea. HAruka said something about Shingo butting into his buisness, he hit him and now this...
Ling: Haruka's in love, for real this time.
Milliardo: O.O What?!
Ling: Yep... but to make sure... keep an eye on him. There's going to be alot of girls at the party... we'll just have to see.   
Milliardo: *looks at Haruka* *thinks* My brother is actually in love?! But with who?
Ariel: Shingo, Haruka! Break it up! That's quite enough! *pulls Shingo off of Haruka*
Haruka: *wipes blood from his lower lip* ... *looks at Milliardo* Let's go... we have no buisness here. *looks at Ling* You can come too. If you want.
Ling: I'll come by tomorrow... for the party. Right now I'll stay here. See you tomorrow.
Milliardo: *looks at Ling questioningly as he's pulled by Haruka*
Ling: *nods at him*
Duet: What was that about?
Ling: ...
Ariel: Come on Ling.
Ling: You know guys, I think I'll go now.
Ling gets up and leaves
At the Yuy House. Haruka sat in the kitchen staring at his dinner sighing slightly.
Relena: *looks at Haruka* What's wrong honey?
Haruka: Nothing mom...
Relena: Something's bothering you... tell me.
Haruka: *sighs and looks up at Relena* I met this girl from school at the park. Everyone says she's weird, mean and ugly... just because she stays far away from everyone and is very quiet. But none of that's true. She's unique, nice, and sexy And I really like her...
Relena: wow... is she as pretty as me?
Haruka: If by that you mean 0%, no. She's like 100,000,000 times better looking than you.
Relena: >.<
Haruka: *walks to his room*
Milliardo: Who was it?
Haruka: *looks up from his Henati Weekly Magazine* What?
Milliardo: The girl, who was it?
Haruka: Why should I tell you?
Milliardo: *sighs* I just wanted to know. *leaves to room to go watch the Discovery Channel Special*
Haruka: *continues reading* *after a while he yawns and falls asleep*
The next day...
Haruka's eyes flutter open at the sound of Relena's horrid singing.
Haruka: What a way to start the morning. *puts on some regular clothes and goes downstairs* *dully* Merry Christmas.
Heero: Yeah. Same.
Relena + Milliardo: MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Haruka: -.- *sits by the tree and picks a present randomly* YEAH! IT'S FOR ME! *quickly opens it* THE NEW ISSUE OF HENTAI WEEKLY!
Relena: *looks at Heero* Hee-chan...
Heero: ^.^;> What?!
Relena: >.<
Heero: >;P
Relena: WHY YOU! *both start running around the house*
*Doorbell rings*
Milliardo: *answers it* Hello? *sees a young girl at the door.*
Haruka: *notices the girl* Zatine? *gets up* Hi.
Zatine: *smiles* Haruka! I um... I brought you some homemade cookies.
Haruka: *smiles back* Thanks. ^.^ *takes tray*
Zatine: Um... I should go...
Haruka: *notices alot of bruises on her arms* What are those?
Zatine: bruises from my father... I think I get in his way too much. But I really should go back home.
Zatine: *stays quiet and turns around*
Haruka: *grabs her arm* No. You're not going back there. Today you are going to relax. You won't be hurt here.
Milliardo: *looks at Haruka for a while* Yes. Stay here. You'll be fine.
Zatine: T-thank you...
Haruka: come on in. And make yourself at home. *thinks* O.o NO WAIT I MEAN! Um....
Zatine: I know what you ment. ^.^
Haruka: *smiles*
Zatine: *sits on the couch*
Haruka; *sits next to her* I wish I could have gotten you something. *bites into a cookie*
Zatine: That's Okay. Being with you is enough...
Haruka: That's great. Cause I have no money!
Zatine: *laughs*
Haruka: *stares at her* Should I? Could I? *puts an arm around her and pulls her close*
Zatine: *nervously rests her head on his shoulder*
Milliardo: *sneaks into the kitchen* *whispering* Mom, dad come here.
Relena + Heero: *follow Milliardo*
Milliardo: *points to Haruka and Zatine*
Relena: OoO...
Heero: ... ._.
Haruka: Man... I'll be right back. i've got to go to the bathroom. *gets up and goes to the bathroom*
Relena: *enters the room* Hello. I'm Relena.
Zatine: Haruka's mother, correct?
Relena: Yes. Did Haruka tell you about the party tonight?
Zatine: Yes. I don't think I can come. I don't have a dress.
Relena: Well come on upstairs and I'll fix up that problem.
Later that night, Relena wouldn't let anyone see Zatine. Not until the party at least.
Relena: Are you ready?
Zatine: Not yet...
Relena: Okay.
Downstairs at the party
Everyone is dancing except for Haruka. (Haruka-saa and Shingo made up just to let you know)
Haruka: *sits on the couch waiting*
Relena suddenly comes down and takes the microphone
Relena: Attention everyone! I have a very special gift for my son, Haruka.
Everyone: *stares at Haruka*
Haruka: ^.^;> I Honestly have no clue....
Relena: Now if you could all look at the top of the stairs we can begin.
Everyone: *looks at the top of the stairs*
There stands Zatine... in a light skin tight blue dress and a sweet smile.
Haruka: *stands up and slowly walks to the end of the steps as she climbs down them his eyes never leaving her*
Zatine: *Gets nearer to Haruka and slightly blushes*
Haruka: *extends his hand*
Zatine: *takes his hand*
Haruka: *smiles and looks at the band*
*Band plays a slow romantic song*
Haruka: *pulls Zatine close as they begin to dance*
Zatine: *blushes as his arms go around her waist*
Haruka: *leans down to her ear (human ear) and whispers* I love you Zatine Tenjou. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And I don't want you to get hurt anymore. I want you to stay here. Where you won't be hurt. Promise?
Zatine: I casn;t do that... but Haruka?
Haruka: Yes?
Zatine: I love you too.
Haruka: *hug/grope*
Zatine: *giggles* pervert.
Haruka: That's me.
Zatine: *Giggles again*
Haruka: Zatine?
Zatine: Hmm?
Haruka: *stops dancing and kisses her passionatly* This is the best Christmas present I have ever recieved... I love you.
Milliardo: So it's true.
Ling: Told you.
Shingo: Who wants a snowball fight afterwards?
Haruka: *stops dancing and points to Shingo* YOU'RE ON!!!!
Zatine;*laughs* I'm gonna get used to this.