The Family Camping Trip From Hell: Part 3
By: Mistress Maxwell

Two hours after the encounter with the leeches, Haruka sits curled up into a little ball, under an oak tree while the others prepare for supper.

Shingo: (kneels down in front of Haruka) Hey 'Ruka buddy! Wanna go fishin'?
Shingo: Hmmmm, want too?
Triage: Aw, leave him alone Shingo. The guy just had a leech hanging from his frickin' nuts!
Duet: Well, I guess we can't call him numb nuts anymore, since he obviously felt that.
Ashtear: Oh, I've had enough of hearing about that damned leech. What's say we go fishing?
Shingo: Hey! Didn't I just say that?
Torance: Yeah you did, but my mum invited everyone along. Not just Haruka!
Akuma: (walks up to Milliardo) Hey.........Milliardo?
Milliardo: (while putting a worm on his hook) Yeah Akuma?
Akuma: Uh......I just wanted to thank you for saving me earlier.....
Milliardo: *big smile* Hey, no problem little buddy!
Akuma: (glomps onto Milliardo) Thank you Mill-chan!!!
Milliardo: Heh, heh. Don't worry about it. (puts his fishing rod down) You just have to promise me to not go near the water again.
Akuma: 'Kay! 

After almost everyone got their fishing tackle together, they left for the river. Relena, Hilde and Dorothy stayed back to get the fire going.

Phoenix: (Set's down his lures) Well, this looks like a good enough place to get started!
Zechs: (sits down on a rock) At least this' ll be relaxing..........
Duo: Hey Zech-Mill! What's say we make a little wager?
Duo: The one who brings in the most fish wins. 
Zechs: What do you win?
Duo: How does $10.00 bucks a fish sound to you?
Zechs: Sounds good. I'll warn you though, I was a master fisherman before I joined OZ.
Heero: Yeah, sure I'll just bet you were.........
Zechs: What was that?!

Heero: I think you're lying through your teeth!
Zechs: Why don't you join in then and see who wins?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Heero: FINE!!!!!! (throws a $10.00 dollar bill into an old baseball hat) Anybody else want in on this?
All:...........(throw loose change and bills into the hat)
Zechs: Very well then. Let's get started.

Hours later, after a few fish hooks were "lost", and some fishing poles snapped.............

Quatre: Ack!!!!!! That fishing pole cost me $100.00 bucks!!!!!!!!
Wufei: You should learn to spent your money wisely Winner.
Quatre: Yeah, sorta like that the new dojo you built at your house, hmmmmmm?
Wufei: My dojo has nothing to do with this Winner!
Quatre: Oh well, of course, since you borrowed the money from ME!!!!!!!!!
Wufei: I..........
Quatre: *pokes Wufei in the chest* And you still haven't paid me back!!!!!!!!
Wufei: NOW SEE HERE!!!!!
Sally: No you see here. Both of you!
Quatre & Wufei: ................
Sally: It's time for us to head back to camp.
Meiran: *runs up and latches onto Sally's leg* Mommy! Yowamushi let my fish get away!
Yowamushi: I did not!
Meiran: You did too!
Yowamushi: Did not!
Meiran: Did too!
Yowamushi: DID NOT!!!!!!!
Meiran: DID TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yowamushi: DID N-
Wufei: Weakling, you did too, now shut up! *turns his back*
Yowamushi: ...............*pulls down his lower eye-lid and gives Wufei a raspberry* :P
Wufei: Stop that weakling, before I rip your tongue out of your mouth!!!!!!!
Yowamushi: ..............
Meiran: *looks up at Sally with tear filled eyes* Mommy!!!!! My fish is still gone!
Sally: Ok.*picks up a box and tips it over. A ton of fish spill out onto the ground* *picks up the biggest one* Here, you can have one of mine.
All: ...............*anime fall*
Trowa: So that's why we haven't been able to catch anything!
Zechs: I caught something...............
Noin: Let's see!
Zechs: ..........Naw..............
Noin: No, I mean it. Let's see!
Zechs: Noin, NO!!!!!!
Noin: Sieben.
Sieben: Yes mother?
Noin:" Help me restrain your father.

Sieben: Hai! *leaps onto Zechs and pins him to the ground while Noin searches him for the fish*
Noin: *removes a fish no bigger than her pinky finger from Zechs' pants pocket* No wonder you didn't want to show it. It's puny! 
Zechs: *rolls over and tries to bury his head in the sand* I told you not too............
Jade: Well let's head back to camp. Relena, Hilde and Dorothy must be waiting for use.

Everyone turns to walk away when they notice there is one member of the party missing.

Trowa: Uh, Duo. Aren't you coming?
Duo: *sits inches away from the surface of the water* ................
Jade: HELLO!!! Were talking to you!!!!!!
Duo: *still sitting close enough to fall in* I'm not going anywhere............
Duet: Why dad?
Duo: I DIDN'T CATCH ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
All: *sweatdrop*
Heero: So? Are you glued to that rock your sitting on?
Duo: I'm not leaving until I catch a fish!
Milliardo: Good luck!!!! Mrs. Chang caught every fish in the tri county area!
Duo: .................
Shingo: 'Kay fine Mr. M, let's go guys!

All except for Duo head back to camp. 

Relena: Did you catch anything?
Heero: Why don't you ask SALLY over there?
Relena: ...........?
Sally: *drops the box of fish on the ground in front of her* I hope that'll be enough.
Relena: Oh, this is perfect! *drops a fish <she didn't even clean it!> onto a frying pan over the fire*
Heero: *jumps up from his seat and stands inches away from the frying pan. Bugged eyed* What are you doing to my supper?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Relena: Cooking it. What does it look like?
Heero: *eye twitching* Can I make a suggestion?
Relena: Sure Hee-chan!
Heero: *grabs the frying pan* Don't!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Relena: Heero, I am cooking this fish!
Heero: ..................
Hilde: *looks around bewilderedly* Where's Duo?
Trowa: Laughing Boy decided he was gonna stay at the lake.
Hilde: Ooooooooooook.
Relena: *puts the frying pan back over the fire. Looks at it closely* This is taking a long time! *picks up the box and dumps the rest of the fish into the pan* This will go much faster now!
All: ............*anime fall*

10 minutes later............... 

Hilde: Uh, Relena. I think it's done.........
Relena: Nonsense! I'll cook it for just a little while longer.
Hilde: .............

20 minutes later..............

Haruka: Yup that's looks done Kaa-san!^^
Relena: Um, just a while longer.
Haruka: ..................

45 minutes later.................

Relena: *amidst a cloud of smoke* It's *cough* done!
Heero: Jesus! Do you think?!
Relena: *carries a burnt fish over to Heero on a plate* Here you go Hee-chan!
Heero: ................*shakes his head* I don't want it.
Relena: Aw, common Hee-chan! *puppy eyes*
Heero: ................*picks up the fish by the tail, which is as stiff as a board and taps it on the edge of the plate. The fish disintegrates* I'll be right back..............
Relena: Where are you going Heero?
Heero: *returns with a garbage bag* To get this! *starts dumping the carcasses into the bag*
Relena: It's not that bad!
Heero: ..............*slings the bag over his shoulder and starts to walk out into the deeper part of the woods*
Relena: Where are you going NOW?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Heero: To bury this crap! When I get back, I'll catch a deer or something.
Triage: And how the hell are......*thawap* Ow!
Nova: Use proper language Triage!
Triage: *sighs heavily* How are you going to do that? Are you gonna use your teeth? Mrs. Yuy confiscated all the weapons!
Heero: I'll figure it out when I get back! *walks into the forest*
Milliardo: Well, since dinners cancelled I'm going to go for a walk.
Duet: *drops her plate* I'll come with you!

Milliardo and Duet walk out onto a different trail.

Shingo: *calls Haruka and Triage into a Hentai Squad huddle* Does that seem a little weird to you?
Haruka: Yeah. Why would Milliardo let the Witch tag along with him......*thawaped by Triage and Shingo* Ow! What was that for?!
Triage: Baka! They're going into the woods to be alone.
Haruka: So?
Shingo: *sweatdrop* He means ALONE alone!
Haruka: *thinks about it for a minute* OH!!! Stupid me! Let's fallow them and ruin it!
Shingo: I'm with you man! *the 3 perverts walk out into the forest* 


Duet: *gets closer to Milliardo* You know Mill-chan, that was really brave when you saved Akuma.........
Milliardo: *turns towards her* Aw, it was nothin'.
Duet: *whispering* You know...........Akuma can't thank you like I can.
Milliardo: *sort of intimidated, he backs up against a tree beside the infamous pond* *gulp* uh huh!
Duet: Can I thank you for him? *inches away from him*
Milliardo: .................*nods approvingly*

Milliardo and Duet get into a sort of ......war......*ahem* when The Perverts spot them.

Haruka: *green* That's really sick!
Shingo: Yeah!
Triage: *walks over with a badger in his hands* THIS will scare them!
Shingo: Put that over grown rat down! You'll get mauled!
Triage: They don't call me Triage for nothing! *sets the badger down and the angry furball ran over too the "busy" couple.
Milliardo: *opens his eyes for a split second* AHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! *stumbles and falls into the pond, dragging Duet along with him* *SPLASH*
Haruka: *cracks up laughing* Come on. Let's get back to camp before they figure out it was use. *gets up and runs back to camp with the other two boys*

End part 3

Tee Hee! Pixie Stix's are good when your writing a demented fic like I'm doing write now! Stay tuned to see if Milliardo and Duet will figure out it was The Hentai Squads fault and if Duo will ever decide to leave his post at the river! Will Heero use his teeth to catch a deer? Find out soon. Anyways, like, no like? Review me please!^^