ANOTHER SUMMER....What else could go wrong?

Disclaimer: HOW MANY TIMES DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO GO OVER THIS?! WE DON'T OWN G-WING! ...But ChibiChibi-Chan and Nanami own NGW. And I own AS! So yeah....MWAHAHAHA!! (The characters used in this Spin-Off Are not owned by the writer of this Spin-Off.)  BTW....I've changed some of the chacters additudes and'll see the differences.




We last left off with Kage and Yuki pushing the self-detonating buttons on thier gundams, Milliardo and Shingo came from both sides at them.


Milliardo:*Hits the control stick forward HARD,  Wingo Zero moves quickly towards Epyon, grabbing it and flying straight up*

Shingo: *at the same time Sandrock grabbed Wing Zero(original) and flew straight up*

Yuki: Fine...I guess I'll kill you anyway. *evil laugh*

Kage: *looks at the timer on his screen*

LCD: 00:08 till self destruction

Kage: You're wasting your time Milliardo. Everything's gonna go up like the 4th of July and you can't do a thing to stop it!

Milliardo: Maybe there is. *the Zero System 2 activates and Milliardo puts the throttle to full and Wing Zero flys faster than ever*

Shingo: MILLIARDO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? *attempts to catch up but the weight of Sandrock AND Wing Zero(original) is too much for the jet pak to handle*

Milliardo: *smirk* Saving a city...

Duet: *Sees what's going on, and is frozen in her spot* MILLIARDO!!

Heero: *Puts his hand on Duet's shoulder* Don't worry...I know my son, he'll make it out alive.

Duet: *not very comforted by this* I hope you're right Mr. Yuy.

Heero: *thinking* I feel so old now...oi.

LCD in Epyon and Wing Zero(original): 00:01..*in bright red* 00:00!


A huge explosion is seen in the sky, then another only a millisecond after the first a little lower in alltitude. A montage of everyone sheilding their eyes, then focusing back on the gundams in the sky. The backround is a bright orange, as a shockwave hits the ground making it shake wildly. Windows all around the downtown area of the Sanq Kingdom crack, implode and shatter. Screams are heard all around. The sky turns blue again and the dust starts settling. Sandrock falls to the ground hard. half the face is missing, both arms are gone and half of it's right leg. The torso and cockpit are still intact. Inside is a bloody faced Shingo who's unconcious but not dead. The cockpit of Sandrock is in shambles. Wing Zero is nowhere to be seen.


Shingo: *Regains conciousness and hits the button that blows open the cockpit door* Damnit...*climbs out slowly, and rolls off the side of Sandrock hitting the ground, he sits up slowly, gathers his senses and stands up, then limps off holding his arm which is broken*

Ariel: *The door to Heavyarms opens and Ariel comes down on the cable, she runs to Shingo and jumps on him* SHINGO!

Shingo: AH! Shit my arm!

Ariel: *lets go* Oh sorry...

Shingo: It's alright.


the others come running up. Quatre congradulates his son but puts him down at the same time.


Quatre: You're alive but you destroyed Sandrock! AND Sandstorm! ARGH! well...rebuilding them again will get me out of work! ^_^ thanks Shingo.

Shingo: you'

Quatre: I guess I am.

Duet: *looks around the ground and in the sky* Where's Milliardo?

Shingo: I didn't see him after the explosion.


Just as Shingo finished that sentece something shook the ground nearby. Wingo Zero landed, it looking VERY beat up but able to stand. Milliardo steps out and slides down the cable. Duet runs to him as fast as she can with tears in her eyes.


Duet: MILLIARDO!!! *glomps him*

Milliardo: Duet! Heheh. It's great to see you too.

Duet: *hits him in the chest* I thought you were dead you baka! Don't worry me like that! *she hugs him*

Milliardo: Ow...I won't...not again.


Heero: *walks up behind Duet* Glad to see you're not dead.

Milliardo:'re glad to see me?

Heero: For once...*raises an eyeborw* Ya know I think you should have a nick name.

Milliardo: *not expecting anything like this from his father*

Duo: I got it...The Neo Perfect Soldier.

Heero: Exactly what I was thinking.

Haruka: Hey! What about me?

Duo: The Imperfect Soldier!


Everyone but Haurka starts laughing. But then Haurka gets the joke and laughs too.


Over where the news reporter is...


Reproter: Ya got that thing back online yet?

Camera Man: Ya...okay....we're on.

Reporter: We have just witnessed another attack by the gundams, and it seems that all but 3 were destroyed.

Camera Man: *Spans over the wreackage of Epyon and Wing Zero(original) then to Sandrock. Then to Heavyarms and Silverlight, then over to Wing Zero, standing like an angel...the angel of death. A loud noise is heard overhead as the camera moves up we see Tallgeese fly over back towards home*

Reporter: Make that 4!


Back at the Yuy mansion...


Relena: It's back on!

Noin: There's Seiben!

Zechs: this is good.


The camera moves back over to the reporter as he notices near the wreckage of Sandrock, where the GW pilots and the NGW crew is.


Reporter: Lets see if we can get an interview. *climbs over some rubble with the camera man close behind.


Jade: They're all ok!

Torrance: *whispering to herself* way to go Nova.

Triage: YEAH! I'm not an only member of HS!

Everyone else: *sweatdrop*

Phoenix: Please don't talk about your group around scares us.

Triage: Alrighty.



Duo: NEWS! SCATTER!! *everyone runs off in different directions, It's not that they like to keep things secret, it's that they don't wanna face the millions of ppl out in TV land*

Ariel: *Climbs into Heavyarms and flys off*

Shingo: *Finds a car in the middle of the street and jumps in spinning the tires flying off towards the suburbs*

Nova: *Jumps in Sliverlight and follows Ariel's example*

Duet and Duo jump in his car and speed off, Heero does the same, while Haurka and Milliardo jump in their gundams and take off. Trowa and Quatre jump in his car and head off with the others. Wufei is left Standing there with Ling. they both pull out their Katanas and face off against the news crew.

Reporter: Eheheh...we'll be leaving now. *runs off*

Camera Man: what he said.*Follows the Reporter*


Later on, back at the downtown. Michiru is in for quite a surprise.


Haruka: *knocks on Michiru's apartment door*

Michiru: *answers the door* Oh hi Haruka.

Haruka: I got a surprise for ya.

Michiru: A surpirse?! yay! C'mon in!

Haruka: *closes the door behind him* Here it is *holds out a red long box*

Michiru: What is it? *takes the box and opens it* *GASP!*

Haruka: Ya like?

Michiru: Haruka! I never thought you'd ever buy it! *It's the black diamond pendent*

Haruka: Here...*takes it out of the box and puts it on her* Ya look good with it...

Michiru: are you implying that I didn't look good without it?

Haruka: uh...big nono understand.

Michiru:*throws her arms around Haruka...cutting off his oxygen*

Haruka: Can't *gasp* Breathe!

Michiru: *lightens up and laughs*


At the yuy mansion Relena and Heero are sitting in the living room with Hilde, Duo, Jade, and Trowa.


Heero: Where's our demon spawn?

Relena: *hits Heero on the shoulder*

Heero: geez...our children.

Jade: Last time I saw Ariel, she was with Shingo. I think they went out on a date.

Trowa: Oh god...

Duo: Duet went out with Mill somewhere.

Heero: So where's Haruka?

Hilde: Michiru's.

Relena: *lovey dovey* Ah...young love. *sigh*

Heero: *scutters away from his wife* I don't know you.

Relena: *Best attempt of the HY death glare at Heero himself*

Heero: My god..she can do it...O_O

Duo: Now that's scary.  O_O


August 28th A.C. 218


All the NGW kids are together in the park. Just killing time.


Sydney: to think...This is the most eventfull summer I've had in a few years.

Haruka: no shit Sherlock.

Sydney: Keep digging Watson

Haruka: Heh?

Duet: She gotcha.

Shingo: Smooth move 'Ruka. You're s'posed to get the girl.

Haruka: I'm confused.

Ling: you should be.

Torrance: Maybe that'll shut him up for once

Haruka: nope...still gonna talk.

Ariel: Do you ever make sense?

Haruka: Sense? What is this word you speak of?

Michiru: You're nutz Haruka!

Haruka: THANK YEE!

Duet: *sweatdrop* How fun it would kick the shit outa ya.

Haruka: And hang me by my nuts?

Duet: .....*sigh*....yes and hang you by your nuts.

Haruka: ^_^ '

Nova: Starlight is fun to pilot.

Triage: Yeah you would know..Mom never lets me go.

Nova: That's because you're too inferier.

Triage: WHAT?! I am not!

Nova: Are too!

Triage: *dives at his brother into a big cloud of dust filled with swearing*

Everyone else: *sweatdrop*

Traige and Nova: *the cloud of dust moves towards the group and involves them*
Haruka: AH! *gets punched in the face by Duet* OWIE!

Duet: HAHAHA!! *gets tripped by Michiru*

Michiru: Don't you ever do that to my boyfriend! *puts up her dukes*


Off away from the group. Milliardo and Shione are in the middle of a very intense chess game.


Milliardo: Knight to E3...

Shione: Queen to E3

Milliardo: ErRr!

Shione: heheh...Make your move.

Milliardo: King to D6

Shione: Rook to D6...Checkmate!

Millardo: ARG!!!

Shione: HAHAHA!!!


Later on. Everyone went home, well except for the Hentai Squad.


Shingo: *walking down the sidewalk with Haruka and Triage* So 'Ruka, where's this Belly Dancing Denny's you were talking about?

Haruka: Should be right around the...*truns the corner and see that it's been blown up*

Triage: ouuer.

Haruka: NOOOOOO!!!!!!! *drops to his knees and screams like the world has just ended* YOU BLEW IT UP YOU BASTARDS!!! *starts crying*

Shingo and Triage: .......*Giant sweatdrop*

Triage: Do we know him?

Shingo: no...*starts to walk away*

Triage: Right...*follows Shingo*

Haruka: WAHHH!!!! *sob* *cry*



FINALLY! sorry if I didn't use all the characters...but trust me! they were there!. .....God that was messed up.......Yeah...anywhoo....That's it for AS(Another Summer). heheh...Zoycite's gonna be mad at me. While doing this I came up with a better alternative to "Sunrise, Sunset" heheheheheh....This should be fun. Welp, guess that's all folks! BTW, I don't know a thing about if I did anything wrong, please don't complain. YES! IT'S TRUE! I AM A BAD WRITER!!!


JA NE! ^_^