



A distant memory.

One that is…


To hard to reach?

Close enough to touch?

Some where between?



A heart filled message.

A letter.

A package of candy.

Maybe even flowers.


No, Love.

Not the superficial…




How can one express Love?

It can’t be the flowers.

It can’t be the candy.

It can’t be the letters.


Those that seem to show love

They could mean other things

Then what is love?


Tears form the heart.

The warmth of knowing they care.

The light that shows in their eyes.

Through the windows of the soul.


To lose that love,

To find it has another home.

The hurt that follows

The pain never goes away.


The love you felt,

Betrayed by your heart.

The love you had,

Betrayed by…


By what?

By them?

Or did you deceive yourself,

To think it was love?



What is it?

The question roams.

Very few have the answer.



When two eternal souls of clashing personalities are brought together, the love that brought them there could rip them apart as well.

When two souls that care too deeply to understand their own self-doubt mingled with confusion could be the main tool for their destruction.

To stay together is a blessing from the gods, and to part is the curse of the very gods that gave them a chance.

The world is a chess game. Them, the pieces that contrast each other. The Bishop. The Rook. Each a straight line, yet hardly ever seeing eye to eye.

These two souls could only be Shingo and Ariel.


Melissa Crowell

Thursday, May 30, 2002

2:19 PM