Neo Gundam Wing - OVA -
Episode 8 - Possession

Rena walked past Quat's door and stopped to stare at it. Four days had past and she nor anyone else has seen him outside of the room. Everyday she'd walk past the door she'd hear him talking to someone and was tempted to look in the room to find out who but would find the door locked from the inside. She shrugged and continued on before anything else would occur. She entered the briefing room where the table was currently being used to flick a paper football across.

Acht: Five points for me! YEAH! *grins*
Trina: You hit me in the head again, Achty.
Acht: Eh, sorry. Rena! How is her evilness doing today?
Rena: What are you two doing?
Trina: Acht and me are playing a game. You want to play?
Rena: No thank you.
Acht: I wasn't going to play with you anyway.
Rena: Do either of you two know anything about Quat?
Acht: *stare* Why ever do you ask?
Rena: I'm asking because I haven't seen him in three days, his door is locked, and I'm starting to think he's talking to himself.
Trina: Haruka-saa said he was really tired and we should leave him alone for awhile.
Rena: Yeah? Well I have reason to not believe him.
Trina: Why not?
Rena: Something's going on around here and I think we should know what that something is. They can't just keep things from us forever especially now that SandStorm has been acting even more freaky than usual.
Acht: I'm sure it was just trying to get acquainted with you, Rena.
Rena: I doubt wrecking most of the hanger is a way to tell someone you just want to get to know them.
Acht: *shrugs* That's like saying you like Quat when everyone knows you want to chop off his balls and do something evil with them afterward... *shudders*
Trina: Why would Rena want to do that?
Acht: *shrug* Got me.
Trina: I do?
Acht: Egh... Never mind. *watches Shen walk by* Hey look it's Trina-chan's boyfriend!
Shen: *glances over and continues*
Acht: Gosh he's no fun anymore.
Rena: When was he?
Acht: Good point. Gee I wonder what life would be like if we didn't have all this Hidama crap over our heads.
Rena: I doubt it would be too different. You would be you and so would everyone else.
Acht: I've always wanted to be a singer! *starts bouncing around and trying to sing*
Trina: I wanted to be an actress or an artist. Something famous.
Acht: *stops* Wow, you could be a great manga-kai!
Trina: You think so?
Acht: Yeah if you knew how to draw yaoiful bishounen.
Trina: I can draw puppies and kitties and cute little animals like squirrels and--
Acht: Ok I think we get the point.
Trina: Oh...well what about you Rena? What would you like to be?
Rena: I would like to be left alone.
Trina: You're so grouchy all the time.
Acht: I bet she wasn't like that with Kitty. *evil grin*
Trina: *hits Acht with a rolled up paper* Oops! Sorry!
Acht: You did that on purpose!
Trina: No I didn't. *hits him again* That was on purpose.
Rena: You keep doing he'll get stupider.
Acht: I'm not stupid. I can um... kinda read and write!
Trina: Really?! What's your favorite fairy tale? I like Sleeping Beauty!
Acht: Ah... um... That one about a fish... and ah...Ninjas!
Rena: A fish and ninjas?
Acht: Eh... Yeah! I know that story by memory!
Trina: Really? I want to hear about it!
Rena: Me too...
Acht: Ah well... um... Hey look at the time! Got to go! Bye! *runs out the door*
Trina: *looks around for a clock* How does he know the time if there isn't even a clock in here?
Rena: He made it up just like his story about a fish and ninjas. Trina, you're around Haruka a lot, what's wrong with Quat?
Trina: Actually, I don't talk to Haruka-saa too much so I don't know. Besides he probably wouldn't tell me anyway.
Rena: I see.
Trina: Are you worried?
Rena: A little more than that now.

Quat looked around his room to make sure no one or rather nothing was in there.

Quat: Stop spazing out, Quat. You've seen your share of the paranormal so this shouldn't be any different. *reaches over for something and finds it missing* I had it *notices a large decrease in temperature, hears something fall to the ground and turns around quickly to see if anyone was there* Nothing... What are you too afraid to show your face now? *looks down at what was dropped and sees the book he had open and picks it up* "The Black Cat". *hears his bed squeak and turns to see the translucent figure on it* It's you again. What are you doing here? Why won't you leave me alone? Well? Answer me! Don't tell me you've turned chicken now.
Ghost: Where is Shingo?
Quat: I've explained this already! My father is dead. Whatever business you have with him will have to be done elsewhere.
Ghost: Shingo's here, where is he? I can feel him. Where is he?
Quat: *thinking* Gosh what a hard headed guy. *sits down in a corner away from the apparition and skims though the story*
Ghost: That is a depressing story. Pluto loved his master dearly but ended up loosing an eye then soon his life because of him. Tell me, did that animal deserve such a betrayal?
Quat: I guess not.
Ghost: That's why he got his revenge in the end. You ask me to leave you alone but I find that I can't because of your relation to Shingo.
Quat: What do you want with my father?
Ghost: My own revenge.
Quat: And you threw me into SandStorm, why?
Ghost: Have you not noticed? You've changed. You were too afraid to even utter a word to me before now you're having a conversation with me. I was stuck inside of SandStorm for over ten years and I was rudely awaken by your sister's failed attempt to pilot. I watched you carefully in that hanger and I knew you were my chance to fully free me from that prison. Once I was able to move about outside of the gundam I started planning my greatest achievement. Because SandStorm was now active again it caused the mobile suits that weren't used in the fall of the Sanq Kingdom, in the time I was alive, to also activate. They were meant to search and destroy SandStorm if possible. Once they got on the scene I knew because of your naive mind you'd want to follow me especially since you wanted to show some proof of my existence. Of course you know what happened next but not what occurred once you got into that gundam. I used the GPM system to transfer what remained of my consciousness into you.
Quat: *drops the book and stares at the ghost* W..What?!
Ghost: Don't worry I'm just going to use you're body when I need to.
Quat: And how many times has that been so far?!
Ghost: Once.
Quat: Then you're the one that tried to kill Rena and Acht!
Ghost: Far from it. I have no reason to kill any of your friends as for SandStorm...She's a little angry about what has gone on while she was unable to move. She loved your father dearly and was obsessed to the point where she tried to kill him so she would keep a part of him for herself, his consciousness that is.
Quat: Then if that gundam belonged to my father and he was the only one able to pilot it, according to my uncle, then how did you get in there?
Ghost: Oh child, there's so much you don't know. I'll explain that at a later time.
Quat: Well ok but tell me something. Where does my consciousness go when you're using my body?
Ghost: To an alternate reality or you could say you are asleep. Believe me I can take over whenever I want. It might get so bad that you'll have trouble distincting this reality from the other, from what is a dream to what is reality.
Quat: Just my luck. *flops on the bed*
Ghost: Well you're really comfy around me, Quat.
Quat: I don't really like having to see you nor any other people roaming around here like yourself but I have to face the facts even though I don't like them. This has been going on ever since I can remember but I've never told anyone about it. When I would tell my mother I had seen something she'd just tell me I was imagining things but I can't possibly be imagining everything I see around here. When something strange would happen I would know the cause of it but I couldn't say anything to anyone especially my uncle. After my sister told him about the strange things that would happen around her he went and used her to get into SandStorm. That's why when he asked me about it I opted not to say anything about it. Most people here do nothing but use each other. Ling uses Shen to take out his frustration on, Duet uses Haruka for comfort and probably more than that. I just noticed that it's only the so called adults that do these things.
Ghost: Really. Then do something.
Quat: Huh? No way. I may not like this place but I've got no where else to go to. I'd most likely get my head chopped off if I complained about something. Besides, in a way, they are something like a family for me.
Ghost: What a sad child.
Quat: Yeah well I'm not going to allow you to leave this room with my body so I've asked to be locked in here, permanently.
Ghost: Like your Kaze friend? Do you really want a fate like that?
Quat: If it keeps everyone safe.
Ghost: Well, that's not fun. Not fun at all.
Quat: You still haven't explained who you really are.
Ghost: I believe I've told you that it's not important.
Quat: *frowns* I think it is. What should I call you then?
Ghost: Hmmm... Tsuki.
Quat: Tsuki?
Ghost: Yeah.

Acht twitched as he stared at the door belonging to Kaze. Of all people he had been officially chosen as a replacement for Quat.

Acht: Quick in and out thing. Nothing to it. *looks at the plate of food* Whatever is in this stuff I sure hope it includes a fast working sedative. *opens the door* Wow look at the dark gloomyness! Well I guess I'll just put this down here and be on my way. *turns around right into Kaze* Oh Kaze! You haven't grown an inch since the last time I saw you. I on the other hand... am becoming a MAN! So I'll be going. *waves* Eh... You're not moving out of the way...
Kaze: What happened to Kitty?
Acht: Would you imagine that! Quat's on a looooooooooooooong vacation thanks to you.
Kaze: Really? I suppose then you're replacing little kitty then?
Acht: Yes... what a horrible thing to happen to me.
Kaze: You know I like pet names... What should I call you...
Acht: The one that wants to leave.
Kaze: You remind me of a dog, Acht. I'll call you Puppy. Kitty and Puppy. Strange little boys. Kitty is much more stranger than you Puppy.
Acht: And you? You're insane.
Kaze: Is it that I'm insane or that no one understands me? One has to have communication with another in order to be understood. It just so happens that Kitty understands me more than he'd like to say. You probably will never understand.
Acht: Yeah? Well help me understand what happened to Quat.
Kaze: My dear father does like to keep secrets from you poor kids. I don't intend on doing the same. It makes no sense to keep something from others. They just find out anyway.
Acht: Get on with it then.
Kaze: *closes the door*
Acht: Uh... I can't see a thing...
Kaze: Really, Acht, do you need to see anything? Everything is the same as when the door was open.
Acht: Except for the fact I'm in the same room as you with the door closed.
Kaze: *whispers* Don't worry Acht, no one will hear you scream.
Acht: What's that suppose to mean?!
Kaze: Take it however you want to. *clicks a light on* Personally I don't like such things on but if it gets you to calm down then I'll have to deal with it.
Acht: *looks around the room at the walls covered in nothing but random scribbles* Wow, decorative.
Kaze: Don't be sarcastic. *picks up an Acht plushie/voodoo doll* Now sit down.
Acht: *stares at the doll and shudders* Weirdo...
Kaze: Sandstorm was possessed by a very bad person. This person just so happened to die inside of the gundam and has to be of some relation to Kitty. This person has been walking around the place as a ghost only because of Trina's episode with SandStorm. I don't know much about this person except that he's highly interested in Kitty's dead daddy. I don't know much details on that but whoever this person was got sucked into SandStorm and has been dormant for a good while.
Acht: So that gundam like kills people?
Kaze: Oh something like that. It only kills your body not your mind. It runs on pilot data.
Acht: Whoa... Wait a minute! How do you know this crap?
Kaze: You don't honestly think I stay in here day in and day out, do you?
Acht: I was under the belief that you were.
Kaze: Please, with as many times as you people leave that door wide open have you not wondered why I don't just run out the door?
Acht: Well... Now that you mention it... The thought did cross my mind a few times. How do you get out without anyone knowing? I mean gosh! Now I'm really afraid to sleep at night.
Kaze: Really? Aww you're so fun to play with when you're asleep.
Acht: You actually go into my room?!
Kaze: I need something to do. You're a good source of entertainment next to Kitty.
Acht: Okay nut bag. How do ya do it?
Kaze: The ceiling. The panels have gotten rusted because of the rain water that seeps into here. It took awhile but I was finally able to bust one open.
Acht: So then you only come out at night then.
Kaze: Any other time isn't very safe. I'm sure even you could have figured that out.
Acht: You know... I think I'm actually understanding you a bit. That's just freaky.

Rena looked down the hallway as she heard the familiar sound of father and son in another random fight. She chose to ignore it and leave until she remembered who she was currently with, Trina. The two heard something or someone crash into something and saw Ling walk past them.

Rena: Lets go, Trina. *notices Trina staring at the place Ling had left minutes ago* There's nothing we can do about it, I hope you know.
Trina: It's just not fair...
Rena: And what do you plan on doing now?
Trina: I want to see if he's ok.
Rena: I don't think we need to bother. *looks at Shen stumble towards them with a sword in tow* Shen.
Shen: Rena. *tries to stand up straight after noticing Trina* Excuse me but I have some retraining to do.
Trina: How can you just let this go on? This is wrong. You know what's going to happen after you leave. You don't even look like you can even deal with the things he's going to put you though.
Shen: There's nothing I can do but wish my father was dead. If I ever got the chance I would do it myself.
Trina: You shouldn't say things like that!
Shen: I don't care what I say. It's the truth. Now if you don't mind. I have to be some where. *leaves the two*
Rena: He's limping... He's defiantly going to get his ass kicked.
Trina: He's so hard headed. *runs off*
Rena: He as to be.

Trina slumped down at the door to Quat's room hearing nothing inside.

Trina: *to Quat* It's not fair! Why does Shen go though all of these things. Why can't everyone just be happy? I wish Ling would just go away or something. All he does is hurt Shen. I wish papa were here. *sighs* I'm just talking to myself... It's getting late anyway. If you are listening... Good night, Quat. *gets up and goes to her room*

Ling walked into the underground base and looked at the dark hallways and turned behind him.

Ling: What are you waiting for, Shen? I swear you're so worthless. *hears something move around* Well it's about time you caught up. I wasn't going to wait for you forever. I should've just left you out there to be killed. *notices something strange about the person coming towards him and something metallic shine* What are you doing? *backs up slightly* Shen? Shen? SHEN!
Whoa that was fucked up... I'm only putting this up because a certain someone bitched. I kept the spoilerness to a very small minimum. Yeah so... Hah! d00d This is turning into a murder mystery or something... 0.o

- ChibiChibi-chan