Neo Gundam Wing - OVA -
Episode 5 - Always

Quat looked at the door he recognized all too well and trembled in fear of what was on the other side waiting for him. He took a big breath and went into Kaze's dark room.

Quat: *puts the food on the floor, stands back up and hears the door close* ...That's not funny!! *trips and falls on the floor* Ow... Kaze I think you should uh... Leave me alone maybe? *grins* I know! *turns on a flashlight and points it at Kaze* WHY ISN'T SHE MELTING?!
Kaze: Melt? Me? *laughs* You're such a gullible boy. *stares at Quat* Something is a tad different about you. *starts sniffing Quat*
Quat: ...Oooookay... I think you're much more insane then-- *feels her lick his face* EWWW! GROSS! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?!
Kaze: *takes off his glasses and opens his eye wider* I'm trying to see what's different. I know something is.
Quat: Yeah? Well could you stop it?!
Kaze: *grabs his arm* This is going to hurt...
Quat: Wha?! *takes his arm back before she bites him* You're a freaking mental case! What would any of that stuff have to do with something about me being different?!
Kaze: All that matters is that I know now...even if it would've been fun to lick up some of your blood. *smiles widely*
Quat: And?
Kaze: You smell different.
Kaze: I was just having fun watching you squirm. You've been somewhere you shouldn't have. I smell it all over you. Don't you know how to take a shower?
Quat: Don't you know how to act normal?
Kaze: This is normal. Then again you aren't as normal as you think, Kitty.
Quat: I don't know who scares me more, you or Acht.
Kaze: Acht is just a puppy compared to me. He's just messing with you I just want to eat you.
Quat: EEP! *gets up and runs out the door*
Kaze: *playing with Quat's glasses* He'll be back...

Quat runs into the third wall in a row and falls on the ground complaining.

Acht: Oh lookie, Kitty Kat's on the floor!
Quat: Acht, is that you?
Acht: Yup.
Quat: Yeah, well leave me alone.
Acht: Did Rena-chan beat the crap outta you?
Quat: No... I just ran away from that lunatic, Kaze. She scares me more then anything else.
Acht: *glomps Quat* Aww poor Kitty! I should take him home! ...Quat?
Quat: Did you hear something?
Acht: *looks around* Uh... nope...
Quat: I don't feel well...
Acht: *feels someone tap his shoulder and looks over* AHHHHHHH! RENA!! What are you doing out of your cage?!
Rena: I'm just making sure you aren't doing anything to him.
Acht: Whatever do you mean by that?
Rena: *glares*
Acht: Okay! I'm leaving! Gee always got to get all hostile on me! I think you likey Quat! *grins*
Rena: I don't. Get up, Quat.
Quat: Rena-chan! *glomp* Waii!
Rena: Would you not do that?
Quat: I can't really see you but I'm glad you're here!
Rena: ...I'm not going to ask.
Quat: And I'll tell ya anyway! Kaze attacked me! *cries*
Rena: And I care, why?
Quat: I was just hoping you would. Rena, do you hate me?
Rena: *stare*
Quat: You can't answer that can you? I hope one day when you do it'll be an answer from your heart.
Rena: You're such a love sick puppy.
Quat: I have to be something, ne? *smiles*

Trina walked happily into the gundam hanger and stared at Acht, who was staring at Tallgeese.

Trina: Yo Achty want a cookie? I made them myself with Duet-saa's help! She's a great cook!
Acht: *goes from a depressed look to a happier one* Eh? Yo Trina-chan!
Trina: So you want some of my cookies? *holds out the bowl*
Acht: *takes five cookie and stuffs them in his mouth* You know *gulp* Trina-chan *grabs another five* you should watch what you eat! *grabs the cup of milk from Trina and drinks half of it* It's probably why you're gettin so fat!
Trina: Maybe you should take you're own advice. *stares at the cookie crumbs all over the place and the empty glass of milk* By the way, have you seen my brother?
Acht: Yeah with Rena. What a horrible couple!
Trina: Who do you think Quat should be with, you?
Acht: Heh, nah. He deserves a girl that loves him as much as he loves her back. Rena's not worth the trouble if you as me. One sided love.
Trina: Rena always says the opposite of what she means. She doesn't know how to put her feelings into the correct words so she says the opposite since it's easier for her to say.
Acht: She's just a confusing girl.
Trina: Not as confusing as you. I would've thought you'd say you deserve Quat.
Acht: *laughs* Me? Nah Quat has his eyes set on Rena and isn't planing on giving up on her.
Trina: And you?
Acht: I have my eyes set on someone else.
Trina: Shen?
Acht: *sarcastically* Oh yeah you caught on to me! I'm going to kidnap Shen and rape him five times in one night!
Trina: *missing the sarcasm* REALLY?! Wow I didn't know you could do that five times in one night!
Acht: *facefults* You're older then me yet clueless to such things.
Trina: Should I know about such things?
Acht: I would've thought you would, you're always around Haruka.
Trina: *frowns* Oh...
Acht: What's wrong?
Trina: *smiles* Nothing. So why were you in here anyway?
Acht: Oh just doing some thinking, you know reflecting on what's happened to me every now and then. I also came to talk to my father.
Trina: Your father? But he's dead.
Acht: True, but I feel like he's always with me everytime I pilot Tallgeese so I come to talk to his spirit when something's bothering me. *sighs* Five years... It doesn't really feel like it's been that long. Then again it's been longer for mother. I miss her a lot more.
Trina: I know how you feel. Even though my mother isn't dead it's felt like it ever since papa died. I miss him a lot but I'm sure he'd tell me to grow up and be take care of Quat and mom even though Quat thinks that's his responsibility.
Acht: Quat protect you guys? *laugh* He can't even fire a gun correctly! He has no means to do what he wants to do in the first place so he might as well leave such a thing to you.
Trina: I'm a girl he's a boy, boys always want to be the macho men and save the damsel in distress.
Acht: Nah that's called high testosterone levels. Quat probably hasn't even hit that stage in his life yet.
Trina: Who can really say? Welp I'm going to go visit Shen with the few cookies I have left.
Acht: *grins* Hope you don't have too much fun with him.
Trina: Ne?
Acht: Nevermind...

Meiran watched her brother torture her future husband and sighed as Akuma bounced around with the buckets of water as a bee as chasing after him.

Ling: You're going to drop those...
Akuma: *catches some of the water before it falls to the ground* Can I get extra points?!
Ling: Let me think on that... *watches the bee land on Akuma's face* Hmm... No.
Akuma: *trying to stay as still as humanly possible*
Ling: *takes the bee off of Akuma's face and separates the stinger from the rest of it's body* You were worried over a weak insect for no reason.
Akuma: For all you know I could be allergic to bee stings!
Ling: If that were true then you'd have no business marring my sister at all. Since it's not the case then you only have a 2% chance of even getting that far.
Akuma: Hey that's one percent higher then before! I'm making an impression on you!
Ling: Not much of one.
Akuma: Ugh... You know I haven't asked about these mysterious tests of yours. What are they suppose to prove anyway?
Ling: If you're worthy of my sister and to be in my family.
Akuma: Gee I thought this would be easy... Have a little dinner together make all the arrangements and then I was done... Luckily I like a challenge and you are defiantly one, Ling-sama.
Ling: Sucking up like that won't get you no where.
Akuma: *sighs* I've tried everything now. It's the end of the week and I've gotten no where. There's just no pleasing you is there?
Ling: No.
Meiran: Aww come on, Lingy! Isn't it enough that I love Aku-chan?
Ling: No, bringing him into our family will just be a disgrace.
Akuma: It's funny you say that since I'm the one that's protecting your family. Kin, Gin, Yowamushi, Kasuka and most of all Meiran-chan. I've been working overtime as well because of Kasuka's injuries just to make sure they're still alive the next day. I've become the most feared man next to you guys and have a 100,000,000 credit bounty on my head and I don't even have an operational gundam. Everyone over there is just waiting for me and Meiran to tie the knot but then there's you. You have to stand in the way of our happiness because you have none anymore. I'm sorry if any of this has insulted you but I believe it must be said.
Ling: A little persistent aren't you?
Akuma: I believe it's worth it.
Ling: Well... I could care less how much of a bounty you have on you, but if it will make Meiran happy then I'll allow it only if you do something for me.
Akuma: *a little scared* Uh... What?
Ling: Keep up what you've been doing. That's enough for me.
Akuma: So... what happened?
Meiran: He said yes.
Akuma: Yes? He said yes?!
Meiran: *nods*
Akuma: Oh man! I thought I was going to have to go at this for another year or two! Whew... So when are we going to get this finalized?
Meiran: How about we get it over with here and go home afterwards.
Akuma: Gin would be upset she missed an even like this.
Meiran: Come on, it's not going to be that big anyway. We'll have a real wedding after we get rid of Hidama. A big wedding cake and a wedding dress... I always loved those American style weddings, the dresses are so cute.
Akuma: Ok then we'll have a semi-wedding here and then a real one after Hidama is takin care of.
Meiran: I'm so excited! Lets have it tomorrow!
Akuma: That quick?!
Meiran: Do we really have another week to spend?
Akuma: No, I guess not. Tomorrow it is then.
Meiran: That's ok with you right, Ling?
Ling: Yeah sure.
Meiran: Well now that this is done I intend to visit my nephew.
Ling: Why?
Meiran: Because he deserves some attention.

Duet looked up from the laptop she was typing on and over at Haruka as he passed by slowly to get a drink.

Duet: What's with you?
Haruka: *looks over and sits down slowly*
Duet: Well?
Haruka: I was thinking about what you said to me about Kaze. I have tried to make up for all of this crap but she doesn't want anything to do with me, instead she'd rather I were dead. She's not crazy because of the deaths of her mother and sister, no, she's crazy with hate for me and openly shows it to me. I love her dearly and I'd risk anything just to hold her close to me like when she was a child but that only causes more hate between us. Everything has been easy for me before and now I don't know how to work my way out of this one. *reaches down and pulls out a large piece of glass and places it on the table in front of Duet* She broke a light bulb just to get that. I didn't even care about it because I was worried about her and the small shards of glass that got into her hands. She hit me a few times and went to the corner or the room away from me and sat there growling at me like a animal.
Duet: Oh my god... *grabs a few towels and places them on Haruka's wound*
Haruka: Why do I even bother? I'm just hurting her more and more each time and her hate grows for me each time. You see, Duet, there's more then you really know about me, my situation, and everything in general. I don't know if it's blood loss talking or anything, but I'm sorry for saying all of those things to you. *winces* This really hurts...
Duet: *picks up another towel* This is deep.
Haruka: *grabs her hand* Do you take my apology?
Duet: Do you still want them dead?
Haruka: Perhaps...
Duet: Then, no.

Shen turned in his bed as the door opened. He kept quiet as someone entered the room and tapped him on the shoulder. Shen quickly turned to attack the intruder but stopped suddenly as he looked at the blonde girl with a cookie in her mouth.

Shen: Trina-chan... I thought you were someone else...
Trina: Ne? Who else would I be?
Shen: Many people.
Trina: Wow, that must make you happy to know so many people care about you enough to visit you. *sits down of the bed next to Shen*
Shen: Well it's mostly my father, who comes in here just to bitch to me about something. As if I give a damn.
Trina: I'm sure he really does care about you.
Shen: Care about me? Yeah right, he yells at me everytime something goes wrong and I took part in it. Everything is my fault. He even told me once that he wished I wasn't even born. I remember the sword training he made me take. I still think it was just so he could hit me with that katana each time I wasn't able to block it.
Trina: It made you a better pilot.
Shen: But I hated it and I hate that gundam. I hate being here. I just want to leave and never come back. Nothing will ever change between us. He's only only leaving me alone now because my aunt is here but once she leaves everything will be the same once again. I hate him. *sighs* I'm sorry for boring you with my pathetic story. Why did you come here anyway, Trina-chan?
Trina: *holds out a bowl of the remaining cookies* These are cookies Duet-saa helped me bake, I hope they cheer you up even if it's just a little bit. I had a cup of milk with me as well but Acht drank it all like a pig.
Shen: *takes a cookie* Just having you here is enough to cheer me up.
Trina: Really?
Shen: Yeah.
Trina: I'm happy that you're happy.
Shen: I can never find true happiness until this is all over.
Trina: And when you do? *notices Shen getting a little too close to her*
Shen: I'm sure it'll be with you.
Trina: You think so?
Shen: I'm pretty sure.
Trina: *pops a cookie into Shen's mouth* If you wanted another cookie you could've taken one yourself! *smiles*
Shen: *watches three people fall over into the room and mumbles out their names*
Quat: I can't see a thing! What the hell happened?!
Acht: I'm here but yet I'm not here!
Rena: I'm not going to make a stupid excuse...
Quat: My excuse wasn't stupid!
Rena: Yes it was.
Shen: *chokes the cookie down and twitches* What a bunch of nosey bastards.
Trina: *clueless to the whole thing* Ne?
Meiran: *looks at the three on the floor then at Trina and Shen* ...What's going on here?
Acht: Uh...
Quat: I don't know!
Rena: *shrug*
Shen: I'll tell you very well what they were doing! They were busy prying into my personal life!
Acht: I knew it! There is somethin goin on between you two!!
Shen: No...
Trina: ...*still clueless*
Shen: I'd know if there was something going on between us and there isn't!
Quat: So you don't like my sister?
Shen: I'm not going to answer that question.
Acht: *to Meiran* He's hiding something, it's so obvious.
Meiran: Yeah he's twitching just like he's hiding something.
Rena: He's twitching a certain way?
Meiran: *nods* His father does it.
Shen: I am nothing like my father!
Meiran: *ignoring Shen's comment* He really is the cutest thing ever. If you want I'll give you a list of some things.
Acht: Go on! *gets out paper and pencil as does Rena and Quat*
Meiran: Lets see... *starts listing off random habits*
Rena: *looks over at Quat* You're writing the opposite side of the pencil.
Quat: Oh... *grins and flips the pencil* I told you I could hardly see... *pouts*
Shen: ...Would you people leave?!
Acht: But we love you, Shen!
Shen: Right... *kicks all four of them out*
Trina: I don't get it... *shrugs* I hope you liked the cookies, Shen.
Shen: Of course I loved them, because you made them.
Trina: ...If you say so. *leaves the room*
Shen: *looks at his bed, goes chibi and starts jumping around* I'm never washing my bed covers again!

Meiran looked over at Akuma as he made a sigh outloud as they walked around the remnants of the city.

Meiran: What's wrong?
Akuma: Nothing, just seems like we're being watched.
Meiran: We are out in the middle of the day and you are dressed rather flashy. *pokes his trench coat*
Akuma: Red isn't too flashy, besides you're also wearing red.
Meiran: It's different. *smiles*
Akuma: I'm not going to ask how...
Meiran: Want to take them on one on one?
Akuma: Sure that wouldn't be too much for you?
Meiran: I'm a big girl.
Akuma: I'll take that as a yes then. See you later then.
Meiran: Don't get yourself hurt. *walks in the opposite direction*
Akuma: I'll be the one hurting people, once again. *looks up at a blue haired woman* Only one? Gee... I must be losing my touch. To add to it they send a woman. You're Koubashi right? I'm sorry but my mama told me not to hit girls.
Koubashii: My mama told me to kick the crap out of boys to get them in their place. I don't want to do that personally so I'll give you the chance to tell me a little bit about this boy. *flings a picture at Akuma*
Akuma: *picks up the picture from the ground* ...What's there to say? I thought you had an ID system for such things.
Koubashii: It seems this one managed to slip though the cracks or rather...stayed in hiding. I have my own guesses.
Akuma: Well I won't admit or deny your assumption.
Koubashii: So you're saying it could be the very person we've been trying to get at for years?
Akuma: You tell me.
Koubashii: So it is that Winner boy.
Akuma: Winner? Seems to like being a Barton. I don't think his mother would let him come out to play with you, sorry.
Koubashii: And you, Akuma? You're such a pretty boy now. Ever thought of fighting for Hidama-sama's cause?
Akuma: I'm not interested. Now if you mind, I'm about to be a married man in a twenty-four hours. *starts walking off as a gun fires in front of him*
Koubashii: I'm not letting you leave.
Akuma: Well then, guess I have to hurt you.
Koubashii: *grins* Think your woman would miss your head after I chop it off your body?
Akuma: She's a strong woman, if anything you should be worried if she's going to kill you first.
Koubashii: I hope you can run as much as you talk. *starts firing at Akuma*
Akuma: *drops and rolls to the side of a building* Looks like someone's got some major problem. *pulls out a grenade* Well I don't want to kill her or anything but she is in command of Hidama's army... *hears a click at the left side of his head* Nice of you to meet up with me.
Koubashii: I thought you were better then this. What happened to the Akuma I hear so much about. The Akuma my own men shake in fear over? Is he nothing without his little bitch behind him?
Akuma: Bitch? That's such a harsh word. You shouldn't talk about yourself so freely like that. Here's something for your trouble. *stuffs the grenade down her shirt and runs*
Koubashii: *panics, takes the thing out, throws it and runs after Akuma as it explodes* Damn him! *trips over a wire into the mud*
Akuma: Oh lookie a piggy!
Koubashii: This isn't a fair fight! This is a game to you!
Akuma: Sure as hell is. *pushes her face back in the mud and jump over her running*
Koubashii: *grabs Akuma's leg* You're not leaving this time! I won't let you play that trick on me!
Akuma: Really? Then you don't mind me messing up that face of yours. *kicks her in the jaw and gets up quickly as she lets go of him*
Koubashii: I'm done playing this game!
Akuma: Yeah and your out of bullets. *hears a gun fire and falls over* CRAP! *looks down at the bullet hole on hi leg* Guess you weren't out. *looks up at a dirty blond above him* Mi-mi-Milliardo...
Koubashii: *cleans her face off and kicks Akuma* You're a bad boy, Akuma. *motions for one of the soldiers behind Milliardo to come* Tap into every public frequency you can, I have an announcement to make.
Solider: Yes ma'am.
Koubashii: I'm disappointed in you, Akuma. You could have saved yourself by joining us.
Akuma: *looks at Milliardo* Seems to be a fate worse then death. Milliardo, do you even remember Duet-saa? Do you even remember Haruka-saa and Rena-chan?
Milliardo: I don't know what you're talking about. All of them are traitors.
Soldier: You're online ma'am.
Koubashii: The bounty for the rebel Akuma Dama is officially off seeing how he's now caught. To finish this little thing off this is now a public execution for those out there who think they can oppose Hidama-sama. *takes the gun from Milliardo and points it at Akuma* Don't worry I'm sure you'll be missed.
Akuma: Will you? Meiran, if you can hear me don't try anything stupid. Remember I love you and no matter what don't give up because of this Ling would hate me then. Looks like I'll be seeing Shingo-saa.... We're going to have a few good laughs.
Koubashii: Are you done?
Akuma: I hope you go to hell.
Koubashii: I'll take that as the end of your comments. *fires the gun*
Soldier: What now?
Koubashii: Leave his body for the animals to eat.
Soldier: Y-yes ma'am.

Duet stared in shock at the display as Ling shook his head in disgust.

Rena: How sick.
Acht: We should go ahead and kill them now!
Duet: What would the point be?
Haruka: Don't bother getting worked up over it.
Quat: *whispering to Trina* Akuma's dead isn't he?
Trina: Yeah.
Quat: And we're not suppose to get 'worked up' over it?
Haruka: It's no concern of ours.
Acht: We still should do something, like start an attack on the closest base!
Ling: None of that would avenge Akuma's death. We might as well get his body and give him a proper funeral after all he was going to be in my family.
Duet: And Meiran?
Ling: If she has any common sense then she'll come here.
Haruka: *hears the sound of thunder ring throughout the complex* We better hurry then.

Meiran stood in shock while the rain started pouring. She walked shaking with every step towards the long dead blond and finally collapsed beside him.

Meiran: Aku-chan why didn't you try to get away? You could have tried. You were so mistaken, I'm not as strong as you think I am. Maybe if I had killed those guys quicker I could have come to help you. If that was what you were hesitating over I'm sorry that I failed you. I remember Kin going on about us having kids, that would have been something, don't you think so? I don't want to be here alone without you. I'm too afraid. *picks up her sword* What do you think about me joining you? I'm sure you'll be disappointed for a bit but you'll be glad I did eventually. I hope father isn't giving you too much trouble already. *pulls the sword out of it's sheath* I might as well get it over with. *flips the sword where the blade faces herself* This is as good a time as ever, ne? *holds the handle in place and falls forward as her name is called out*
Ling: MEIRAN! *picks her up* You stupid girl! All of this over what? A man?
Meiran: Lingy...
Ling: Damnit don't do this to me! *starts shaking her* Come on, get up. Don't do this.
Haruka: Let it go, Ling.
Ling: Let it go? Hell no! Meiran!
Haruka: She's dead, get over it.
Ling: *puts Meiran down and punches Haruka* Let it go? Fuck you, Haruka, fuck you! I'm not letting this go!
Haruka: You're just going to end up doing the same thing again. Who will you blame? Koubashii or Shen? Who are you going to take your anger out on? Hidama or Shen? Who are you going to insult every moment you get? I'll tell you who! Shen. That's why he hates you. That's why everything happens to you. I don't see why you should cry over this, you're just going to use Shen to take all your frustration out on. I'm sure if Sydney were here she'd tell you to shut up and find your balls. I wouldn't be surprised if you die by that boy's own hands.
Ling: The hell do you know? Nothing!
Haruka: Look I don't want to fight with you right now especially with your sister's death.
Ling: Who said she was dead? She's not dead until I say she is!
Haruka: Now you don't want to give up on her.

Quat looked at the door as best as he could and entered inside of it.

Quat: Kaze, you know what I came for now give them back.
Kaze: You can see very well without them.
Quat: Yeah two feet in front of me. Now give me my glasses back.
Kaze: You look cute with out them. *grins* Especially when your mad.
Quat: Oh bite me.
Kaze: Gladly.
Quat: Not literally! Gee why do you insist upon messing with me?
Kaze: Cause I want to play a game with you.
Quat: Game? What kind of game?
Kaze: It's a kind of game called "What will you do?". How about it?
Quat: I'll think about it.
Kaze: I promise you it'll be fun. *hands him his glasses back*
Quat: Yeah in you're sick twisted way. *looks around and notices something hanging on the ceiling fan* What the...
Kaze: *grins* Like it? It's a voodoo doll of papa. I wonder if it works. If you're wondering, yes I made one of you too. It's cuter though.
Quat: *thinking* She's crazy as hell.
x.x;; This was lame. Oh well... At least it's going to be a lot more interesting from now on. ^_^;;

- ChibiChibi-chan