Neo Gundam Wing
Episode 7: Stuff Blowed Up REAL Good!
Disclaimer: :p Think!
Note:  This is not the last episode! This is just the ending of Part 1! 

Heero and Duo are still in the same section with the Mariemaia clone and Hidama.

Heero:  Omae o Korosu...
Duo:  *takes out his own gun* Yeah! Omae o Koruso or whatever he said!
Hidama:  Go ahead pull the trigger! End my life... But if you do I warn you something there are a round 12,000 super clones and they're ready for battle.
Heero:  If I get rid of you I won't have to worry about you making anymore...
Duo:  Yeah...What a shame... I was hoping we didn't have to kill anyone ever again...
Hidama:  *smirks and takes out a box and the entire room is instantly filled with men in Mariemaia uniforms and guns pointed at the two ex-pilots* Take them away... Oh wait... I wanted to inform my new lab rats of something... Five of my new mobile suites at this base have all of your fighting data in them from all of your previous battles. Your little kids might have some difficulty with them... Oh well one less generation of gundam pilots... You can take them now...
Heero:  *while getting hauled off*I knew there was a catch to this... 
Duo:  What the hell do we do now?
Heero:  *smirk* *punches Duo in the gut* You're really getting on my nerves...

While the guards pick up Duo, Heero manages to escape them.

Duo:  Ugh....Heero... you bas...t...ard...*faints and gets dragged off*

Back with the Yuy twins from hell... Haruka and Milliardo are hiding behind opposite corners of the hallway. While Sieben keeps getting closer waiting for them to come out.

Haruka:  *panting* Yo.... Mill... How many bullets you got left?
Milliardo:  ...10 maybe less... 
Haruka:  *sigh* I've got a bit more... Ok you go out and distract him and I'll try to shoot him ok?
Milliardo:  No that won't work since you'd most likely miss him each time...
Haruka:  Fine! I'll distract him and you shoot...
Milliardo:  Then switch guns... *tosses his over to Haruka and Haruka does the same with his gun*
Haruka:  *sigh* I here we go...
Sieben:  'Ruka....Mill...Come out! This is no time to be playing hide and seek with me...
Haruka:  *hears footsteps get closer* Ready?
Milliardo:  Yeah... on the count of three...
Sieben:  Come out...
Haruka:  One...
Sieben:  I won't hurt you...much....
Milliardo:  Two...
Sieben:  I swear it!
Haruka:  ....Three! *dashes out and starts shooting at Sieben and misses*
Sieben:  You really have to work on that aim 'Ruka... *shoots Haruka's gun out of his hand and points his gun at Haruka's head*
Haruka:  *gulp* Did I ever tell you that you're my favorite cousin?
Sieben:  Really? Oh well bye Haruka...
Milliardo:  Errrr! *shoots the gun out of Sieben's hand*
Sieben:  ... I didn't expect this... I'd like to chit chat with you boys a bit more but I've got to go! Ja! *starts running off*
Haruka:  *looks up at Milliardo* What are you waiting for? Christmas? Shoot him!
Milliardo:  ... Nah he's gone... You ok?
Haruka:  Never been better! ^_^

Back in the cells Shingo, Ariel, Duet, Trowa and Quatre stand around talking about ways to get out of the cold hell hole.

Duet:  Okay. If I'm going up there, Shingo goes first! Ain't no one lookin' up my skirt Damn it!!!
Shingo:  Why would I ever do that?
Shingo:  But I'm afraid of the dark! MOMMY!
Quatre:  You haven't been afraid of the dark since you were four!
Shingo:  Uh... Bad memories? *grin*
Duet: You don't have to go first moron, just as long as you're not in front of *me*. 
Shingo:  Your my best friend! *hugs Duet for a long time and gives a little Hentai grin*
Ariel:  ¬.¬|| Shingo....I'm going to kill you.....
Duet:  Not if I beat you to him!!! come here you little!! *starts chasing Shingo around the cell*
Shingo:   ... O_O AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *dashes behind Trowa who looks confused as hell*
Duet:  Not even Ariel's Dad can save you now!!!!
Quatre:  *sweatdrop* Look the only way out of here is the vent so we might as well start...
Shingo:  *pulls a sign out of no where with the words 'Vent Adventures III!'*

All the way over yonder... Ling is still beating the crap out of some 'weak' guards while Wufei reads a book. Wufei finally looks up...

Wufei:  If you are quite done with those weak guards can we get moving now!!
Ling:  *pant* *sigh* Ok... ^_^
Wufei:  *Crosses his arms* You aren't showing the weakness called "fatigue" are you?
Ling:  O_O No...
Wufei:  That's good, cause we need to get out of sight before more of those weak guards show up to test their puny strength.
Ling:  ... Yeah....
Wufei:  *Looks up at the air vents* And *there* is where we are going.
Ling:  ...Are you sure?
Wufei:  Weakling!!! You DARE to question the great Wufei?!?!?
Ling:  Uh... No father... If you say so...
Wufei:  *unscrews the vent grate and climbs in* Hurry. Or do you not think your weak legs can jump this height!?
Ling:  I still don't know about this... But if we must we must... *climbs into the vent*
Wufei:  * places the vent back and screws it back in so no one knows they were there* Let us go.
Ling:  *sigh* Ok...

Back in the cells Shingo attempts to take one of the panels off a vent.

Shingo:  *pulls at it* What... do...they...put this stuff together with? Super....glue?!? *flies back after getting it open* Ouch...
Ariel:  So you a good for something!
Duet:  Yeah escape...
Quatre:  Now the only thing left to do is go through the vents to the outside... when we get there then we can get the gundams...
Shingo:  Gun...dam? You mean the big robot thingy I was told not to touch without your permission?
Quatre:  Yeah...
Shingo:  The same one I use to always press the 'Self-Destruct' button on?
Quatre:  *sweatdrop* Yeah...
Shingo:  OH HOLY FLYING FUCK SHIT! I get to go in that gundam alone! YAY! ^_^ Let's get the hell out of here then! 
Trowa:  *hears some pounds at the door* It would seem we have company...
Ariel:  Er... SHINGO! This is all your fault!
Shingo:  ?? Eh?
Quatre:  ... The best thing for you guys to do is go back in the cell that way they wouldn't think you escaped...
Duet:  WHAT?!? No way! I'm not going back in there with that...that... pervert!
Shingo:  Oh come on I'm only playin with you! Besides I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole...
Duet:  And what does that mean?
Trowa:  You better get in there before they get in here... As for us we're going to go in the vents and look around while they come in...
Duet:  ...Fine...
Ariel:  Ok with me...
Shingo:  Huh?
Quatre:  *sigh* We'll be going you guys get back in there...
Shingo:  Hai! 

Several guards march by carrying some kind of limp figure. The guards then toss whatever they are carrying into the next cell, then leave with Heero. Acting like nothing happened they close the door behind them.

Next Cell:  Ggggrrrrooooaaaannnnnn......Awww man...does he ALWAYS have to hit so hard!!?
Duet:  Dad??? Is that you?
Duo:  I think he bruised my stomac-...Duet!! Are you okay!?
Duet: Yeah...
Shingo: Mr. Maxwell! What's goin on?
Trowa: *comes out of the vent* Nice of you to join us Duo. 
Duo: Well, Heero's doing some "inside infiltration" if ya know what I mean ^-^ Uhg..*holds his stomach again* And I'm supposed to help you guys get out.
Quatre:  Seems like you're a tad late, Duo...
Duo:  Tis my style! ^-^
Trowa:  Ok let's get out of here as fast as we can... I'm going to hope that we run into Heero along the way.
Duo:  Oi... Can we go in a few minutes? 
Quatre:  I guess we could take a few minutes...

Back over with Haruka and Milliardo the two walk through the halls making sure not to run into some of the NOZ guards. 

Haruka:  Yo... Mill...
Milliardo:  Huh?
Haruka:  It's not getting safe out here...
Milliardo:  Yeah I know...
Haruka:  We need a better way to get around here without running into the shadows and hoping that we don't get caught...
Milliardo:  Hmm.... *looks down and sees a vent* We could go through the ventilation system for awhile then when we get out we can continue with the second part of the mission....
Haruka:  Then let's go man! 

The two twins start crawling thought the long shafts. Meanwhile back in the Sanq Kingdom five women are trying to keep a honey blonde from going out the door with several weapons.

Relena:  LET... GO! 
Hilde:  What good are you going to accomplish?!?!
Relena:  I'm going to get my husband and my babies!
Jade:  Relena... Come on you got to calm down!
Relena:  Calm? I'm as calm as can be... *gives a sweat smile then starts trying to move again*
Dorothy:  That's it! I give up! Let the crazy woman go and get herself killed!
Sally:  I doubt that she's crazy... yet...
Noin:  Now Relena think about this! Isn't this going against your pacifist beliefs?
Everyone else:  *sweatdrop*

Right when Relena's an inch from the door the door opens to show a black haired woman with green eyes and another person around fifteen with red hair and two small braids on each side of her head. All six women recognized them instantly.

Relena:  *drops her weapons and assortment of bullets* Ashtear! Torance!
Ashtear:  I see you guys are home after all...
Torance:  'ello madam! 
Sally:  Wait a minute... if you two are here then that means... Phoenix and Genki went too eh?
Ashtear:  Unfortunately...

Meanwhile, upstairs the two Barton twins look at each other and realize that their missing some good battle!

Triage:  This sucks! Why didn't you go with dad?
Nova:  I... kinda over slept... -.-
Triage:  What?!? Oi... You better go then before mom decides to use Silverlight herself!
Nova:  I dunno...
Triage:  Come on! I'd give anything to be in your place but unfortunately we hardly look alike... so therefore you've got to go!
Nova:  ... If you want... I'll go... 
Triage:  I suggest you make sure no one sees you leave so I guess you could go out that window and--
Nova:  Get down then go and get Silverlight then go to battle...
Triage:  Yeah! I'll be cheerin for ya bro!
Nova:  *smiles* So long Triage!
Triage:  So long is what you say when you won't come back... You will so you should say--
Nova:  I'll be back... ^_^ *goes out the window*

Back in the cells Duo finally gets up and they all start getting into the vent then hear a word and a voice that sounds vaguely familiar. 

Duo:  Hey didn't that sound like...
Ling: I think we're lost! 
Wufei: Shut up! We are not lost, we have simply found my weak fellow pilots!
Quatre and Trowa: ...
Duo: Speak for yourself Wu-man!
Wufei:  ....Injustice!! Next time I will not bother to look for you weaklings NOR will I tell you where the weak NOZ has hidden it's weak Gundanium!!
Ling: We weren't even looking for them! You said you didn't need those weaklings to help you and they could figure out where the Gundanium was on their own!
Wufei: INJUSTICE!!!! 
Duo: Hehe
Shingo: Can we PLEASE get out of here?
Ariel: For ONCE, Shingo has a point!
Shingo: Only for you Ariel!
Ariel: *starts to strangle Shingo*
Duet: Come on you two! Lets stop fighting over nothing and get out of here!
Trowa: Uhmm, Ariel baby, lets just get out of here right now, you can kill him when we get home, k sweetie??
Ariel: ... Ok...

Everyone begins to pile into the air vent to go look for a way out.

Shingo:  It's all crowed up in here man!
Ariel:  Shut up and keep going!
Duet:  He's right...
Wufei:  Weaklings!
Duo:  Hey don't call my Shinotenshi a weakling!
Wufei:  The great Chang Wufei can call any weak onna a weakling whether or not they are an 'Angel of Death'!
Quatre:  We don't have time to fight guys! Keep going!
Trowa:  And stay quiet or they'll suspect something when they hear your voices in the walls...
Shingo:  This isn't fair... Why am I in the back?
Ariel:  Because you'd probably like to get a nice look at mine or Duet's ass!
Shingo:  Oh... Yeah! Duh!

Haruka:  Did you hear something?
Milliardo:  What?
Haruka:  I could've sworn I heard Shingo!
Milliardo:  You're probably just hearing things now come on just a bit more further
Haruka:  Ok... *bumps into something/someone* What the?
Shingo:  HEY! Don't do that!
Haruka:  Shingo!
Shingo:  Ruka!
Milliardo:  Shut up!
Trowa:  So I guess we're all here... except Heero...
Haruka:  Dad ain't here?
Milliardo:   Makes sense...
Quatre:  Knowing him he probably has his own agenda at the moment...
Duo:  He said he was going to check some shit out before he met us outside...
Trowa:  Good enough for me...
Ariel:  Could we hurry up? It's getting hot in here...

Outside Genki and Phoenix lay low making sure their gundams aren't sighted.

Genki:  Err...What's taking them so long? I wanna blow something up!
Phoenix:  I do too but we have to wait...
Genki:  I hope those kids are good pilots! From what I can tell on my scanners they have mobile dolls... Neo Serpents and some other crap. The bad thing is they're made from Gundanium and some from Neo Gundanium. 
Phoenix:  I believe this fight is going to leave a nasty mark later on...
Genki:  Eh?
Phoenix:  Nothing... *smile*

Back in the vents...

Shingo:  Are we there yet?
Everyone else:  NO!
Shingo:  Just askin... How much more?
Milliardo:  Just a bit more...
Haruka:  I think we're there! ^-^ 

Trowa opens a doorway and they see the dark sky above with a full moon and the stars.

Quatre:  It's a nice night... Too bad it's going to be filled with blood...
Trowa:  Now all we have to do is wait for Heero...
Heero:  You rang?
Duo:  Heero! Dude! How did you get out before us?
Heero:  The same way as you but I knew the route by heart so I didn't worry about going back to get you...
Wufei:  Humph! I knew how to get out as well! But we had to follow that weakling Barton!
Trowa:  *evil glare*
Heero:  It doesn't matter... Besides everyone's here right?
Milliardo:  Yeah...
Duo:  Well then... Let's get this show on the road!
Heero:  We have to hurry up I placed some bombs around the area and they're set to go off soon.
Duo:  WHAT?!?! What kind of idiot places bombs around a base when his allies are still IN THE AREA?!?!
Heero:  I guess me... Now come on I did that for a good reason. Their mobile suits will come out from the areas I placed the bombs. If I'm right that should cause the walls to cave in therefore they'll be busy and we can get them into the gundams without NOZ coming at us with mobile dolls...
Duo:  You know... For once that's the first thing you said that actually made sense!
Heero:  What are you waiting for? Lets go...

After they got to the location where the gundams were brought to Heero took out a detonation switch and put it out in front of himself and looked at the NOZ base. Heero then presses the button and several explosions can be heard in the distance.

Milliardo:  Are they still alive?
Heero:  Most likely...
Genki:  *running up to the group* Yo! What's up?
Trowa:  Heero made a small diversion...
Phoenix:  Really? With explosions and everything eh? 
Duo:  Yeah... Look you guys get in your gundams and go in front of us ok?
Genki:  ...Um... Yeah...
Shingo:  I wanna see my big ass gundam damn it!
Ariel:  *Thawap*
Shingo:  Ouch...
Ling:  ... Um... I also wish to see my gundam...
Haruka:  Humph! We all know Haruka Yuy's gundam is the best!
Heero:  ... Not really about two gundams have Neo Gundanium yours... Has Gundanium...
Haruka:  Wh-Wha-What?!? Excuse me?
Shingo:  He's trying to say your gundam's a piece of crap...
Haruka:  WHAT?!?
Ariel:  Hehe... So I guess your not the best?
Trowa:  Um...neither are you dear... I tried I really did... But I couldn't find any Neo Gundanium... And it was too late when I did find it...
Ariel:  )0_0(
Shingo:  *grin*  I'll protect you! ^^
Ariel:  Don't hold your breath...
Duet:  Can we just get this over with?
Duo:  No because number one I'm not letting you go and get yourself killed!
Duet:  I can fight too!
Duo:  No, I'm going in your place...
Duet:  Bu--
Duo:   No...
Heero:  This is all very amusing but can we hurry this up a bit?
Quatre:  Ok then lets go I'll take Shingo...
Shingo:  Gundam! Gundam!
Trowa:  Let's go Ariel..
Ariel:  One minute... *thawap!*
Shingo:  Ouch...
Duo:  Bye Shinotenshi...
Duet:  Bye...
Wufei:  Let's go weakling!
Ling:  My name's Ling...
Wufei:  Whatever!
Heero:  That leaves us... Now lets go for your first real mission.
Haruka:  Hai!
Milliardo:  Hai...

Everyone goes their separate ways. Heero takes the two Yuy twins toward what seems to be an empty area. Haruka looks around and turns to see a humongous foot in front of him.

Heero:  I'm not your mother...
Milliardo:  *looks at the same thing Haruka was screaming about* ...Who's gundam is that? *looks up a bit more at the front of the gundam which has it's wings over it's self*
Heero:  *drops Haruka*That's yours...
Haruka:  Where's mine?!?!
Heero:  Turn around...
Haruka:  *turns around and sees almost the same thing as before but the wings aren't very detailed* What the... That thing looks like a giant trash can with paint on it!
Heero:  I'm insulted...
Haruka:  I mean look at this thing! *goes over to Wing Gundam* I swear if I kick it it'll fall apart! *kicks it* OUUUUUCH! SHIT! BITCH!
Milliardo:  -_- 
Heero:  Haruka... Just get into the gundam...
Haruka:  Yeah yeah yeah... *mumbles* Makin me get into a big oversized trash can... *grabs the cord and goes up*
Milliardo:  *sigh* I don't think I can fly this thing...
Heero:  It's just like the virtual one... I made sure of that... Now go before Genki and Phoenix get blown to pieces...
Milliardo:  Hai.... Ninmu Ryoukai! *jumps into the gundam and turns it on*
Computer:  Please enter password...
Milliardo:  Password?
Heero:  *over headset* Your password is M001...
Milliardo:  Oh...
Haruka:  *hears the computer asking for a password* PASSWORD?!?! WHAT PASSWORD?!?!?!
Heero:  Your password is H001...
Haruka:  Oh... hehe.. I knew that! ^_^

Over a few miles away Ariel and Trowa stand directly in front of Neo HeavyArms Kai.

Trowa:  I know you probably don't like the color... I started making it before you were born and well... I kind of had a strange hunch that you were going to be a boy so...
Ariel:  You colored it BLACK, BLUE AND RED?!?! Why didn't you just add pink while you were at it?
Trowa:  *sigh* Well you can live with it for one battle... 
Ariel:  It'll serve it's purpose... Question...
Trowa:  Hmmm?
Ariel:  How am I supposed to know how to move this thing?
Trowa:  I kind of made a manual to go with it... If you need any help take this headset and tell me... I'll try my best to help you.
Ariel:  Thank you papa! *hug* *hears an odd sound of metal on the ground. Turns around and sees a big ass gundam* ...
Nova:  *over the intercom* Hey! Did I miss anything yet?
Ariel:  Triage?
Nova:  No this is Nova!
Trowa:  You shouldn't be here...
Nova:  I know but I had to help...
Trowa:  Go home Nova before you get hurt or something!
Ariel:  Come on! Let the boy fight! I'll watch him if something happens.
Trowa:  ... Fine then... 
Nova:  Thanks Ariel!
Ariel:  Don't worry about it! Now let me get into the gundam and we can start going! *gets into Neo HeavyArms Kai*
Computer:  Hello gundam pilot 003! Please enter your password!
Ariel:  ...Um... A003?
Computer:  Thank you! Hope you have a good battle!
Ariel:  This is too weird for me...

Farther away Quatre and Shingo finally reach their destination.

Shingo:  *looks at the Gundam with very little surprise* You added a few things no?
Quatre:  You noticed?
Shingo:  Yeah... So can I go and kick some ass?
Quatre:  I doubt your really ready to go and kick someone's butt...
Shingo:  Yes I am! I've been waitin for this moment! 
Quatre:  Well if you want to go take this... *hands him a headset* For you incase you get in trouble...
Shingo:  *grabs the headset* Thanks! Bye! *gets over to the gundam which is a few feet away and looks at it. Puts on the headset* *on headset* QUESTION!
Quatre:  OUCH! Not so loud!
Shingo:  Just makin sure you heard me... Anyways... Question... How do you expect me to get up there? *points up*
Quatre:  *sigh* This is going to be a loooooong battle... Grab the cord on the left... When you get on it it should take you up to the cockpit...
Shingo:  Oooooh... I knew that! *does as told. Looks inside the cockpit* ... Looks like it did the first time... This shouldn't be hard! *sits down and looks around. The cockpit door closes* ... Uh... What know?
Quatre:  Wait...
Computer:  Loading... 
Shingo:  *sits for three minutes* What is this? Windows 190 for gundams?!?! Errrr! HURRY UP ALREADY!
Computer:  Fully loaded... *gets into a sexy voice* Hello gundam pilot 004...
Shingo:  Whoa... Cool! I knew my hacking would pay off!
Computer:  Please enter in your password baby!
Shingo:  Ooooooo... *drool* Give password!
Quatre:  ... I knew there was something wrong with that system...
Quatre:  S004...
Shingo:  OK! S004 baby!
Computer:  Thank you gundam pilot 004...
Shingo:  You can call me Shingo! ^-^
Quatre:  ...I'm not going to ask...

Over to Seiryuu which isn't that far away Wufei is currently in the middle of a long lecture on what Ling should do in battle.

Wufei:  Don't trust anyone! Not even your comrades!
Ling: That makes no sense...
Wufei:  Shut up while I'm talking to you weakling! Destroy anyone that gets in your way!
Ling:  Um... ok... I kinda figured that's what you do in battle...
Wufei:  QUIET!
Ling:  Sorry father... Anymore advice?
Wufei:  Hmm... No... Now get out of my sight you damn weakling!
Ling:  Ok...
Wufei:  Oh... Wait! Weakling I forgot to give you this incase you become to afraid to battle or have absolutely no clue as to what you're doing... *hands him the headset*
Ling:  Thank you father...
Wufei:  Oh yes and don't forget your katana!
Ling:  *holds the hilt of the sword that's by his side* Of course not father... Bye!
Wufei:  Humph! Be gone you damn weakling!
Ling:  *gets into Seiryuu* Ok Seiryuu... Show me what you can do! *turns it on*
Computer:  Hello weak pilot 005!
Ling:  *glare* Injustice!
Computer:  Enter your weak password weakling!
Ling:  -_- L005...
Computer:  It would appear you aren't as weak as I thought you were... Your password was correct! Now go and kill a few weaklings!
Ling:  What an injustice! Not only do I get it from father but a stupid computer!

The five gundams plus and experimental gundam AKA: Silverlight started toward the battlefield which the battle had already started.

Genki:  OI! I can't hold them off much longer!
Phoenix:  You have to try!
Genki:  Man look! We're toast! There isn't going to be much but Gundanium and maybe a body part or two left of us!
Phoenix:  Come on! You have to try! It isn't that hard!
Genki:  I know but there's just too many! It's like we take out a few and they multiply by two!
Phoenix:  *looks around as the Neo Serpents plus Mobile dolls surround them* ...It may appear that we are out numbered...
Genki:  *also looks around* Yeah... I guess we have to go out with a bang!
Pilot:  Surrender now and we may spare your lives! If you do not cooperate you will be destroyed...
Genki:  To die...or not to die... That is the question...
Phoenix:  It doesn't matter we're going to die sometime...
Genki:  Yeah...*takes out detonation switch* At least I'll die with no regrets...
Phoenix:  *does the same* As will I...
Pilot:  This is your last chance! Surrender or die!
Genki:  *over the intercom* Sorry to say but if we die you're coming with us! *about to hit the button when a beam saber cuts through the enemy suit like a hot knife through butter* What the...
Milliardo:  Sorry to come late!
Haruka:  That's one for me! Zero for you guys! *starts hacking at the other suites*
Duo:  I feel a bit insulted! Stealing my way of killing! The God of Death is not pleased!
Haruka:  Sorry! Maybe I should take out my cannon thing! *grin*
Ariel:  *throws some missiles at a mobile doll right behind Haruka's gundam* If you do that I'll kick your ass!
Haruka:  Fine! I'll stick to my way then! 
Shingo:  *over intercom* YO! Joo losers! Over here! You guys suck! I mean really suck! Come on and get me bitch! *SandStorm starts flicking off some Neo Serpents* Yeah that's right! Come to papa! *notices fifteen Neo Serpents come his way* Uh... Lets all not rush now... *gulp* *looks at the controls that are labeled* Lets see... Um... I guess this would bring out those thingies on my back... *presses button*
Computer:  Oooo Shingo your such a bad boy! 
Shingo:  Hehehe! Thanks! Now how do I turn these things on?
Computer:  Shingo hon... Mobile suites are headed this way! You better hurry up! I don't want you to get hurt now! 
Shingo:  *presses another button and watches on the screen as the shorters light up with a green beam* *smirk* Ok! Now I'm ready! *moves forward and cuts five of the Serpents to pieces*
Ling:  Uh... Father! What do I press to get the swords out?!?
Wufei:  Injustice! You press the blue buttons on the control sticks!
Ling:  Oh... ok... Thank you father!
Wufei:  Humph! Whatever weakling son of mine!
Ling:  *presses the buttons and watches the swords in each hand of the gundam* Hmm... There's ten... This shouldn't be hard...*waits for the ten mobile dolls to come towards him and cuts them all directly down the middle*
Genki:  *looking on his screen* They aren't too bad at this...
Phoenix:  They do have a bit of experience...

Hidama:  What?!? They've taken out half of them already?!?!
Soldier:  Yes...Ma'am!
Hidama:  Then we have no choice do we? You knew they were going to do this didn't you Heero?
Soldier:  What do you want me to do?
Hidama:  ...Send out Sieben along with the five Titans... That should take care of those toddlers...
Soldier:  But Ma'am Sieben already left and... and we aren't sure if the Titans are fully opperational!
Hidama:  I don't care! Get the Titans out there now!
Soldier:  HAI! *runs like hell*
Hidama:  KAMI-SAMA! I'm surrounded by fools!

Haruka:  These guys aren't much of a challenge!
Shingo:  *pops up on the screen* Yeah I know... I guess these guys believe in saving the best for last no?
Milliardo:  *pops up on Haruka's and Shingo's screen* It doesn't matter anyways... Besides I'm picking up some unknown mobile suits... 
Ling:  Really? I don't see any...
Duo:  That's because Mill's radar is a hell of a lot more advanced then yours...
Shingo:  Oh I see it! ... You think they're a challenge?
Ariel:  For you Shingo everything's a "challenge"...
Shingo:  I feel a little insulted!
Ariel:  Good!
Computer:  *a bit hickish* Shingo! There be some unknown suites be comin' this way!
Ariel:  What was that?
Shingo:  Nothing... Just my gundam...
Ariel:  Uh huh... Right... Whatever...
Milliardo:  I don't think it really matters what's going on with Shingo's gundam... All I know is the computer was right there are about... four or five unknown mobile suites coming in our direction...
Haruka:  *looks around* Why... Low and behold! There they are!

All five gundams turned in the direction the unknown suites were coming from. Tallgesse 4 went directly towards WingZero II while the five Titans split up and started fighting one on one with one Gundam.  It didn't take long for Milliardo to tell it was indeed his cousin Sieben in the Tallgesse 4. 

Milliardo:  So... Sieben... Why did you decide to join up with NOZ?
Sieben:  Me to know you to find out... Now Milliardo... Fight because I swear to you I will not show any mercy... *smirk. Types in 0 sys II* Prepare to die...
Milliardo:  You leave me no choice Sieben... *types in the same thing* Omae... O... Korosu...

Haruka:  Hot damn! These bitches are hard to kill! *blocks another attack*
Ariel:  I know... *Doges an attack*
Duo:  Isn't really hard to me... *makes another mark in the Titan* As a matter of fact it's doing the same moves as I am!
Shingo:  You know... I think I know what your talking about... *starts hacking through the Titans armor* This one is easy! 
Ling:  You must feel lucky Shingo... *Seiryuu jumps up before getting it's legs cut off* 
Nova:  I'll help you guys! *goes towards  Haruka and the Titan he's currently fighting*
Genki:  You know that isn't a bad idea! Since it seems they want you more out of the way I'll try my best to help. *cut's off a Titan's arms before it hits HeavyArms Kai*
Ariel:  Thanks... 
Genki:  Don't mention it... *starts getting attacked by the one armed Titan*
Phoenix:  *cuts the Titan down the midsection* It seemed you needed some assistance...
Ling:  Yeah... Umm... Thanks...
Shingo:  *cuts the Titan into unrecognizable pieces* I'm done dudes!
Genki:  Good cuz I'm done too!
Haruka: Yeah thank me guys! I did all the work over here!
Nova:  No you didn't! I did more then you!
Shingo:  Who cares? You guys took em out!
Ling:  *steps on the Titan's Head* That's that... So what do we do now?
Ariel:  *shoots some extra bullets into the unmoving Titan* I don't know...

Hidama:  What the... How can that have happened?!? I thought they were perfect!
Mariemaia:  He did say you didn't test them...
Hidama:  Shut up... We only have one thing left to do... Take out the beam cannon...
Soldier 1:  But ma'am! Sieben is still out there!
Hidama:  Then he'll die an honorable death.. Besides... In war there are always sacrifices to be made. Now take out the beam cannon and make sure you turn it to the maximum... I don't want any survivors left.
Soldier 2:  But wouldn't that in turn blow this entire base up?
Hidama:  No, don't be so absurd! We've tested it! Now you charge that up and follow Mariemaia's commands while I go get something really quick...
Soldier 2:  Hai... *turns back around and types in the codes to release the beam cannon*

Meanwhile, Tallgesse and WingZero collide several times sending everything they've got. Tallgesse sends five missiles at WingZero but misses. WingZero takes this opportunity to take out it's beam saber and start cutting into Tallgesses armor. Tallgesse then takes out it's heat rod and ties it around WingZero's leg and starts to melt it off.

Sieben:  Do you surrender yet?
Milliardo:  No.. I'm going to keep my promise I am going to kill you and you can't do anything about it...
Sieben:  Right... *starts hearing alerts go off in his gundam* What the...
Milliardo:  *hears the same thing but in his gundam* What? Are you giving up now?
Sieben:  *looks on his side screen* WHAT?!? They can't do that! They can't take that out! Not yet! I'm still out here!
Milliardo:  Looks like you've been betrayed Sieben... I guess they found out what kind of a loser you really are... That's ok let me take that misery away... *cuts the heat rod off and decides to cut Tallgesse's head off*
Sieben:  You idiot! Do you see? Your going to get killed too!
Milliardo:  I don't fear death... But since I don't want to die like that I'll spare your life for now... *puts the beam saber away and goes off to find the other gundam pilots*
Sieben:  I'll remember this... Milliardo... *turns off the ZERO system*

Haruka:  Well look at that theirs Mill!
Ariel:  What happened?
Shingo:  Hey did you beat Sieben to a pulp?
Ling:  What happened?
Milliardo:  They're positioning a beam cannon... 
Duo:  Huh? Where? I don't see any beam cannon...
Milliardo:  Trust me it's there...
Duo:  Really? Ok then I'll go and check it out...
Phoenix:  Not with out some help!
Genki:  Yeah man! You need some help we're here to help!
Duo:  Nah! I'll go fix it myself... I'll get rid of the Beam cannon you guys get going incase I mess up...
Haruka:  What the heck are you planin on doin?
Duo:  Self-destruct... Only if I have to though!
Milliardo:  Wheatear you like it or not sir I'm going with you... Besides someone has to look out for you. And Duet would be upset if I didn't try to help you.
Duo:  *sigh* Just like Heero... Fine you can come. Anyone else like to sign their death wish?
Haruka:  I'll go only because Mill's goin... And if I go then Shingo goes and if Shingo goes then Ariel will go and well you get the point...
Duo:  Well I guess we're all going eh? Ok... I can do that...

Trowa:  What's taking them so long?
Quatre:  I don't know Shingo blocked me out...
Heero:  It seems they have a small delay...
Wufei:  That or in all actual reality they're all weaklings...
Duet:  Don't say that about my father!
Wufei:  And what are you going to do about it Onna?
Duet:  I have nothing to do to you but don't say that!
Quatre:  You're worried about him aren't you, Duet?
Duet:  ...No... I know whatever he does he'll come right back!

Soldier 2:  Beam cannon in position!
Mariemaia:  Is it at full power?
Soldier 3:  Not yet...
Mariemaia:  Then hold back...
Soldier 3:  Hai...

Duo:  Ok... I'll go up front along with Milliardo to try and take out the beam canon.
Haruka:  Ok... We'll back you up then...

Duo and Milliardo go towards the beam cannon while Haruka and the others wait.

Haruka:  *yawn* This is boring...
Shingo:  Yeah...*beep beep beep beep!* What the--
Sieben:  My battle may be over with Milliardo... But I swear! I'll kill one of you!
Haruka:  Huh?
Shingo:  What the hell?
Sieben:  Bye bye! *fires his buster rifle at Sandstorm's midsection*
Haruka:  Uh uh! *moves Sandstorm out of the way and instead gets hit*
Ariel:  WHAT?! Shingo?!?
Sieben:  *after the dust clears looks at his handy work* Oh damn... I missed... At least I got one of my cousins...
Ling:  *a bit shocked* You...You killed one of your own relatives! How could you?
Sieben:  I didn't want to kill him first... But he's gone who cares?
Shingo:  *looks on the screen at all the parts that once were Wing gundam* You...You... YOU BASTARD! *takes out his beam shorters and starts attacking Sieben blearily making a mark on the gundam* DIE! DIE! DIE! WHY THE FUCK WON'T YOU DIE?!?!
Sieben:  Your fighting out of anger a bad mix with a fight...
Ariel:  Shingo stop while your still ahead!
Shingo:  DIE BASTARD! *cuts the air once again then Sandstorm collapses* 
Sieben:  Giving up already?
Shingo:  It's all your fault... Or is it mine?
Sieben:  Aww I see your a bit confused... Oh well I guess you want to die... Let me take away all that misery... *points the buster rifle at Sandstorm* Ja...

Milliardo:  *gets a bad head ache* What the hell? 
Duo:  What?
Milliardo:  I don't know... I have a bad feeling about Haruka... I guess it's nothing...
Duo:  Yeah... Lets keep goin!

Sieben:  Ja...
Ariel:  *throws several bullets and missiles at Tallgesse* I don't think so... The only one I see dieing is you! *shoots some more*
Sieben:  Give up dear... You're obviously no match for me... *feels his gundam being held by something behind him*
Ling:  It seems you're talking about yourself... *holds the gundam even more tightly* Hurry up!
Phoenix:  Stop this! This has no real meaning to it... Now stop it!
Shingo:  *gets his gundam to stand back up* Has no meaning? He killed my friend... My best friend... About the only guy I could almost call a brother... and you say this battle has no meaning? To me it has a meaning... and I'm going to finish him off... *picks up the beam shorters and starts walking towards Tallgesse* I'm not going to kill you... I'm going to torture you... *cuts off the other gundams arms and legs* I'm going to make you wish you were dead... *starts digging into the rest of the gundam*
Ling:  ...? Stop it Shingo!
Sieben:  What the... Stop that! If you keep doing this you'll kill me!
Shingo:  That's what I'm hoping for... *about to bring down the beam shorter on the midsection of what was a gundam but gets stopped* LET GO!
Genki:  If you kill him you kill part of yourself... You don't want to cause anymore death... Do you?
Ling:  He's right just give it up Shingo... Besides we aren't completely sure Haruka is dead!
Shingo:  You aren't but I am... But I'll stop for now...
Sieben:  Humph... You had a chance...

Duo:  It seems they haven't fully charged the bastard eh?
Milliardo:  Yeah... *thinking* Haruka... What happened? Why do I have this weird sinking feeling?
Duo:  I'll take care of it now... *gets out the double bladed scythe and goes over towards the cannon* YAH!

Mariemaia:  Do just sit there shoot the thing!
Soldier 2:  But the cannon isn't at it's maximum output!
Mariemaia:  Do you want to die? Shoot him!
Soldier 3:  Ok... Firing cannon now...

Duo:  *thinking*  A little further! Come on! Just a little bit more and you'll save the day! Wait a minute... It's moving... IN MY DIRECTION! SHIT! *gets close enough to the cannon and sees some remaining Serpents* DAMN!
Milliardo:  *cuts through a Serpent* Need some help now?
Duo:  Yeah but they're ready to fire at us in any moment!
Milliardo:  I know... You just hurry up and destroy that thing... I'll get rid of these guys...
Duo:  Man I can't wait 'til you and Duet get married...*starts going of towards the cannon*
Milliardo:  Wh-what?!? *blush*
Duo:  Gotta hurry! *gets to the cannon* OK! Now... time to... *looks at the cannon that now has a yellow beam of light in it* *gulp* I have to get rid of this and the base... And since I did add a hell of a lot of power to  the self-destruct that's my only real option! Milliardo! 
Milliardo:  *takes out the last Serpent* Yeah?
Duo:  Tell Shinotenshi that I'll miss her... And tell her to tell her mother that I did this for her...
Milliardo:  What are you doing?!?
Duo:  I'm gonna self-destruct...
Milliardo:  WHAT?!? No you can't! 
Duo:  I am... Now if you want to die you can stay here if not then go!
Milliardo:  But...
Duo:  NOW! *presses the Self-destruct button*
Computer:  Self-destruct sequence activated... 5, 4, 3, 2,
Milliardo:  Bye Duo! I'll tell her!
Duo:  GO!
Computer:  1.... Self-destruct... *big explosion*

Soldier:  What... the...
Mariemaia:  He... SELF-DESTRUCTED! *sees the room start to crumble into several pieces* Hidama.. you knew this was going to happen!

Milliardo:  *turns around and sees the explosion* He couldn't survive that if he even wanted to... Duet's going to be upset now... *starts his way towards the other gundams*

Over at the Preventers office...

Zechs:  This is Preventer Wind...
Some guy:  I just heard a major explosion not too long ago I think there might be some kind of battle going on somewhere...
Zechs:  I'm fully aware of that... I'm on my way... *hangs up the phone* What the hell is going on there...*sees Noin with Relena* I hope you have some clue as to what the hell is going on around here!
Noin:  *nervous*Hehe... Umm... I'll tell you in the car... 
Zechs:  I sure hope so...

Everyone gets out of their gundam at the spot where Heero and the others were waiting for them. Shingo just falls out of his gundam perhaps hoping it would kill him.

Quatre:  SHINGO! *rushes over to the boy who miracuosly is still alive*
Shingo:  Oi...'Ruka... You don't want me to die do you? *closes his eyes*
Quatre:  ?? 'Ruka? 
Sieben:  I killed Haruka and he thinks it's his fault... I guess he wanted to kill himself...
Genki:  *while checking to see if Shingo broke anything* I'm not really sure if he broke anything  but I know this... he'll be out for awhile... My guess maybe a day or two...
Duet:  ...Where's Milliardo and dad?
Genki:  They went off to take care  of a beam cannon... Of course after they left... Haruka was killed.
Quatre:  So... Do you know when they'll come back?
Phoenix:  Nope... All we know is they left... And since we aren't dead yet they obviously took care of the cannon...
Ling:  *looks around* Hey look at that theirs Milliardo's gundam!

After Milliardo gets out of his gundam he immediately starts looking around for Haruka.

Milliardo:  Where's Haruka?
Sieben:  Dead...
Milliardo:  Huh? Dead? Who--
Sieben:  Me...
Milliardo:  I see...
Duet:  Where's dad?
Milliardo:  ...He... Self-destructed to save us... He told me to tell you not to worry and to tell your mother that he did it for her...
Duet:  ...You let him do that?!?! WHY! You stupid bastard! *starts crying* He told me he'd come back...
Milliardo:  He said something else too! He said he couldn't wait 'til we got married... 
Heero:  MARRIED! OH NO! I'm not going to be in anyway related to any Maxwell!
Duet:  He always wanted to be related to Heero in some way...
Milliardo:  Don't worry about it... Besides my brother's dead... I knew he was going to die if he got in that gundam... So I just accepted it...
Duet:  Because you're a fool...
Milliardo:  Duet... Let me help you at least ok? 
Duet:  *sigh* Fine...

About an hour later Zechs, Noin, and a very pissed off Relena come to the scene. 

Heero:  A battle...What else?
Relena:  HEERO! Where's my babies?!?!
Heero:  Um..
Sieben:  It's my fault as well I am the one to blame for Haruka's death...
Relena:  Wh...Wha...What...? *faints*
Heero:  ...Relena?
Noin:  You killed Haruka?! Why?
Zechs:  Zero system probably...
Noin:  ...
Heero:  ...Can we get home and talk about it there?
Zechs:  Yes... I can tell this is going to be a loooooooooong story...

After getting back Hilde found out about Duo and of course broke down in tears. Then brought up the fact that she was pregnant and he had to go kill himself. Everyone else talked about what had happened. Unfortunately when they went to go look for any remains of Duo or Haruka they came up empty handed. Milliardo comforted Duet during the whole thing and tried to forget about what had happened to his brother so he wouldn't break down crying with her. The guys found out that Hidama had escaped before Duo's own sacrifice so they were pretty sure they had not won the battle yet. What waits for them in the future is still a blank. What ever it is it's sure to deal with Hidama once again.
)0_0( Looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story! Damn! Anyways I'll be working on part 2 now ^-^. I hope joo enjoyed it! Ja!
