Neo Gundam Wing
Episode 5: Revealed at last...
Disclaimer:  Same as all the others!
Note:  Most of this episode was done by Steven D. White I couldn't have done it with out em! Thanks!

Ling, Haruka and Milliardo continue to monitor the movements of Duet, Ariel and Shingo as they continue to infiltrate the NOZ base.

Haruka: Ok Shingo, that's enough fun with the fellas do your job.
Shingo: *over the headset* Someone hit him please!
Ling and Milliardo: Okay! * both hit Haruka upside his head *
Shingo:  Thanks guys.
Milliardo: Anytime man, anytime.
Ling:  So what's the purpose of you guys going undercover? I really wanna know!
Ariel:  *over the headset* There is a rumor of an advanced version of the original Wing Zero gundam held here and our job is to find it.
Shingo:  *over the headset* So that's why you dressed me up like this…. To investigate a rumor!
Duet: *over the headset* Basically and I also wanted to see you in a dress!
Shingo:  I don't believe this shit!
Ariel:  *also over the headset*  Shingo, I love you.
Shingo:  Ok *tiny pink hearts circle his head *

After creeping through the base for another 30 minutes…

Shingo: Ariel, I'm ready to go home, I'm tired of this dress and these heels hurt badly…
Duet: *cuts Shingo off* Shut up, you're starting to bitch like a real girl now
Shingo: See Ariel, what did I tell you I really need to get out of these clothes.
Duet: Ariel, can I bitchslap him please?
Shingo: I'll get those guys over there to get you if you do…hey wait where did all those guys go?
Duet: Getting lonely huh Shingo?
Shingo: No seriously they were following us for a sec…
Ariel: Good question, where did they go?
Soldier 1: Hey there, I see you for a minute * pointing at Shingo *
Duet: There you go Shingo! Go get em' tiger!
Shingo:  Shut up! *walks over to the officer*
Soldier 1: Can I see some kind of id from you young lady?
Shingo: ID? No...
Soldier 1: Well can you tell me why you're wandering around the base?
Shingo: No
Soldier 1: So …
Shingo: So see ya! * Shingo runs off to catch up with the girls *
Ariel: What did he want Shingo?
Duet: Yeah, what? You're number?
Shingo: Funny Duet, he wanted some id.
Ariel: What did you tell him?
Shingo: No
Duet: So that's why they're following behind us with those big guns right?
Ariel: GUNS!?!?!?
Shingo: You to wait for my signal, then run ok?
Ariel and Duet: Okay.
Shingo: * turns around * Hey boys?
Duet: Not yet…
Shingo: I gotta secret for you boys, wanna know it?
Soldier 2: Yeah…
Duet: Not yet…
Shingo: Look closely…* Shingo pulls a smoke bomb from under the dress and throws it *
Duet: NOW!!!!

Ariel and Duet run followed closely by Shingo. After running for about 5 minutes they finally stop hearing the sound of the soldiers behind them.

Duet: I guess we lost them…
Shingo: ssshhh…I hear something * he grabs Ariel and Duet and pulls them into a corner *
Duet: What the hell?!?!?

Shingo covers Duet's mouth as three soldiers run by.

Duet: I hope you don't think I owe you for that!
Shingo:  Jee I'll remember that next time! * he shrugs his shoulders *
Ariel: Ok, we've been here for an hour and I haven't seen a scrap of gundanium alloy yet.
Duet: I know but it has to be around here somewhere.
Ariel:  Maybe we should split up...
Shingo: * shakes his head no *
Duet: Why not?
Shingo: Think about it, if the soldiers chased us this far they will be looking for us every where!
Duet:  That actually made so sense.
Ariel: Any suggestions Shingo?
Shingo: Yep! I say we stay together and find a different way to look for it! 
Duet: And what way would that be?
Shingo:  Right above us...
Ariel:  The air vents?
Shingo:  Yeah! They won't look for us in there for now so why not?
Duet:  Well ok...
Shingo:  But...we ain't goin til I get a decent pair of clothes on!
Ariel:  OI! Just steal it from some guy!
Shingo:  Well I was thinkin about running into one of those bunkers and find some clothes...
Duet:  Well go and do it and hurry up!

After Shingo comes back the trio climb into the vent and start crawling around looking for an exit. After awhile of crawling around the vents.

Shingo: I think we're lost…
Duet: No we are not!
Haruka: *over the headset* Duet is just bad luck in air vents, she's always lost in them. Believe me! I know from personal experience!
Duet:  Errr! When I get back!
Haruka: That is if you do!
Duet:  Shut up! Your making this more difficult! Besides...I'll make sure to tell your father who has been eating his Cocoa Puffs when I get back!
Haruka:  Damn! *under his breath* Bitch!
Duet:  I heard that Haruka!
Ariel: *who is leading the three* What's that?!?!?!?
Shingo: What?
Haruka: What's what?
Ariel: Oh shit! I think we found it!
Haruka:  WHAT?!?!
Ariel: It's...a gundam! It's not Wing Zero it looks like--
Duet:  Tallgesse...

Five minutes later, Ariel, Duet, and Shingo slide into the hanger which the giant gundam is held and investigate as a sleepy Milliardo and Ling pick up their headsets and get filled in by Haruka.

Milliardo: *over the headset* From what Haruka said you have found Tallgesse.
Ariel: Yes!
Duet: We need you to tell us how to operate your dad's MSC (mobile spy cam).
Milliardo:  Its simple, press the green, red, and blue buttons.
Shingo:  Eh...
Ariel: Ok, that's it?
Milliardo:  Yeah, and pull the legs out.
Ariel: Ok, thanks Mill, you can go back to sleep now.
Milliardo:  Wait, I put a second MSC in your pants cuff in case you broke the first one, take the second one, press the same buttons and pull the legs and antennae out.
Shingo: What's with the antennae?
Milliardo:  It's for my remote control so I can spy around the base.
Ariel: Ok Mill, we're finished, we're gonna come out...
Voice:  I don't think so Ariel...
Ariel:  Huh?
Duet:  I know that voice...
Shingo:  Oooo you son of a bitch! Damn you to hell Sieben!
Sieben:  Oh please! Cut the crap Shingo. You know I can kick your ass in a few seconds!
Shingo:  I'd like to see you try!
Haruka:  *over headset*  What's going on?!?!?
Duet:  We have a slight problem...
Sieben:  More than a problem...
Ariel:  *whispering into the headset* Haruka, Milliardo, Ling we need some help! I mean big help!
Ling:  We'll try to get there as soon as possible!
Milliardo:  Try to hold him off until we get there!
Sieben:  So which of you losers want to die first? 
Duet:  I'll give you a try. Be careful when I bite I bite hard...
Sieben:  So Shi no tenshi is up first eh? I guess Shingo was afraid... Oh well like father like son... Shall we get it on?
Duet:  Sure!
Sieben:  Of course you can have the first shot.
Duet:  Aww how kind of you... I'm not going to hold back!
Sieben:  Good...Because I'm not going to either...

Duet starts by trying to kick Sieben but misses constantly so starts trying to hit him in the face and almost catches him off guard. Sieben continually dodges the punches being thrown at him and finally gets bored and starts to hit back. Duet hits Sieben in the face which doesn't make him move a bit.

Sieben:  Duet-chan...I thought you loved me...
Duet:  Who could love someone as cold hearted as you? First you try to beat your cousins up then you betray all of us by joining NOZ! Do you think I was impressed? I hate you for more reasons then one! Your a liar a traitor and perhaps something even worse then all of it put together!
Sieben:  This is so hard to take...But that's ok I never liked you anyways! *hits her right in the stomach*
Duet:  Uhh...*falls to the ground*
Ariel:  DUET! YOU BASTARD!*rushes at Sieben and misses him*
Sieben:  Come on you can do better then that can't you?*hits Ariel*
Shingo:  Hey! Leave her alone!
Sieben:  Why should I?
Shingo:  ...Because if you don't I'll take and kick your ass!
Sieben:  I don't see it happening yet...
Ariel:  Shingo...Don't worry about me...just go...
Shingo:  Nuh uh! I ain't leaving my girl here! 
Sieben:  Oh please!
Shingo:  Now...*goes up to Sieben and hits him in the jaw* Uh...
Sieben:  *looks at Shingo* You still hit like a girl...*punches Shingo also in the jaw* Now shut up and stay down and nothing bad will happen to you...Maybe...*smirk*

At that moment while Sieben tells the head of security that he found the trespassers, Haruka, Milliardo and Ling quitely attempt to escape from the Chang house. When all three run into Wufei.

Wufei:  And exactly what are you weaklings doing?
Ling:  Uh...I had to go throw out the garbage and Haruka and Milliardo were on their way home...
Wufei:  You know eldest weakling son I would have believed you for a second but I realized I threw out your garbage!
Ling:  Uh...well there's more!
Wufei:  And that is why you don't appear to have a garbage bag in your hands...
Ling:  Well I was going to get it!
Wufei:  Ok...Something is very wrong here...*stares at the three who just give big smiles*
Haruka:  Welp me and Mill will be going and Ling don't forget about it...
Ling:  I wont... 
Wufei:  And what is it?
Ling:  Uh...a project for school...
Wufei:  Hummph! Right...
Ling:  I'm not kidding...
Wufei:  Well I don't care about it anymore so hurry up and throw whatever garbage you claim there is out.
Ling:  Ok...*picks up a bag and runs out the door*
Wufei:  ....ONNA!!! *walks into the kitchen where Sally it currently washing dishes*
Sally:  What it is now Wufei?
Wufei:  That weakling son of mine is acting weird! I think you would probably know why!
Sally:  Number one quit shouting in the house you'll wake Mieran up. Number Two I have no clue which one of our sons you are talking about since you seem to call them all weaklings...
Wufei:  I am talking about my eldest weakling son! The one that you named Ling!
Sally:  Well now that I think about it he didn't watch Tenchi Muyo today and he didn't eat dinner today either...
Wufei:  Tenchi is a weakling and I am going to call my fellow Gundam pilots--
Sally:  Your friends...
Wufei:  No they are not my 'friends' they are my fellow Gundam pilots!
Sally:  Ex-Gundam pilots...
Sally:  Fine, fine as you were saying...
Wufei:  I am going to call MY FELLOW GUNDAM PILOTS and ask them if their brats--
Sally:  KIDS!
Wufei:  Errr... 'Kids' have also been acting strange lately...
Sally:  It's so nice to see you actually care Wufei.
Wufei:  I don't but perhaps they are doing something behind our backs with out us knowing...
Sally: Well you go do that...As for me I'm going to sleep so I can cook you your food in the morning... Night Wufei...
Wufei:  *completely ignoring what she said*Yeah whatever onna...
Sally:  *frowns*  I swear! Why did I marry you anyways?!?!*stomps off to their room and locks the door*
Wufei:  *stares at the door*Humph! Weak onna!
Wufei:  GOOD!

At the Yuy/Peacecraft mansion the phone continuously rings during one of Heero and Relena's argument that has been going on for years...

Heero:  Oh please Relena! Just because I train them doesn't mean it's my fault for them not coming home on time!
Relena:   Yes it does! For all I know they could be off on some crazy mission you gave them! MY POOR BABIES!
Heero:  Relena...they're seventeen years old...they aren't 'babies'.
Relena:  Heero in your eyes you only see them as soldiers I see them as my babies!
Heero:  But they aren't babies they're half trained soldiers and they will pilot a gundam! 
Relena:  No, they won't!
Heero:  Yes, they will!
Relena:  NO!
Heero:  YES!
Relena:  NO!
Relena:  ...No!
Heero:  Yes...*clicks the video phone on to see a very annoyed Wufei*  ...What is it Wufei?
Wufei:  Took you that long to pick up the phone?
Heero:  Relena and I were in a small argument... Why did you call?
Wufei:  I have reason to believe that your brats as well as my weakling son  seem to be doing something behind our backs. I believe that maybe they know already...
Heero:  I'm pretty sure they know about it by now. It was only a matter of time before they caught on to them...
Wufei:  It's a good thing they did. They're almost ready to start fighting.
Heero:  How long has it been? Since I let her live? 
Wufei:  Twenty-two years...
Heero:  Peace always results in war... It's going to be a big war...
Wufei:  Why's that?
Heero:  It's too long for peace...
Wufei:  Well Yuy do you think I should tell the others about this?
Heero:  No...they know... We've all known for a long time...
Wufei:  We should set up a meeting...
Heero:  Fine...Tomorrow at 9:00 A.M. in the Gundam hanger, tell the others about it. Bye Wufei...
Wufei:  Bye Yuy...
Relena:  Heero?
Heero:  Relena...I have to tell you something...I wasn't completely honest when I said I wasn't going to make a gundam much less two gundams...
Heero:  Yes and this would be the reason why...
Relena:  I can't believe this!
Heero:  Well believe it because a war is going to start up again but if we take them out now it would be nothing more then a small battle.
Relena:  Fine! Go on! Get my poor babies killed!
Heero:  Well I don't think they're going to die with Neo Gundanium...Well one of them at least...
Relena:  Eh? *faints*
Heero:  And she wonders why I don't tell her anything...

Over at the Barton home...

Trowa:  WHAT?!?!? My Ariel would never do that!
Wufei:  Well face it Barton! Besides We're going to have a meeting at nine tomorrow morning in the Gundam hanger.
Trowa:  *sigh* Understood...Bye
Wufei:  Yeah sure bye...
Jade:  Trowa-chan where's Ariel? She's been gone a long time...
Trowa:  Uh...she went over to sleep at Duo's house...
Jade:  Oh yeah that's right baka boy has a daughter!
Trowa:  Yeah...
Jade:  But...I know your lying to spill it! What's going on!?
Trowa:  I can never keep a secret from you... It seems that I'm off to go fight once more...
Jade:  Awww...Then I'm coming too!
Trowa:  Jade! No! I lost you once I don't want to lose you again!
Jade:  Don't worry I'll be careful *gives him the trade mark Maxwell grin*
Trowa:  The last time I saw that smile you didn't come back...Besides it's a slim chance that Zoah is in this too! You never know...
Jade:  Well even more of a reason for me to go! It's payback time!
Trowa:  JADE!
Jade: act too over protective of me!
Trowa:  With good reason to...
Jade:  Well then...If I can't go then at least let Nova go! He knows the gundam inside and out!
Trowa:  ...Fine he can come...
Jade:  Good I'll tell him!
Trowa:  *grabs Jade* Not just yet ok? We don't need him to start worrying about it...
Jade:  *sigh* Ok I'll tell him tomorrow then...

Meanwhile at very late at the Winner Cooperation...

Secretary:  Uh...Mr. Winner...there's a call for you from a Mr. Wufei Chang on line two...He says it's extremely urgent...
Quatre:  *off in lala land* ....
Secretary:  Mr. Winner?
Quatre:  Hmm?
Secretary:  You have a call on line two from a Mr. Wufei Chang...
Quatre:  Tell him I'm busy...
Secretary:  He said it was extremely important...
Quatre:  Fine... I'll get it Thank you...*turns the video phone on* Hi Wufei...
Wufei:  Don't pull that crap of making me hold again Winner! 
Quatre:  Sorry...You said something was important?
Wufei:  Yes, I wouldn't have called if it wasn't important! Our old enemy has come back and we have a meeting tomorrow morning at nine in the Gundam hanger.
Quatre:  I'll see if I can get out of the business meeting I have tomorrow. Thanks Wufei...
Wufei:  Humph! Whatever...Bye!
Quatre:  Bye...*turns it off* If that's true then...nah he wouldn't do that! ...Or would he...

Suddenlly sounds of objects connecting with the floor and two women starts up outside the doors to Quatre's humongous office. Both voices that he recognized...

Dorothy:  Where is he?!?!
Secretary:  Uh he who?
Dorothy:  You know very well who I'm talking about!
Secretary:  Uh...Mr. Winner?
Dorothy:  No shit!
Quatre:  *in the office* She always does this when I decide to work late with out telling her...*sigh*
Dorothy:  You know a woman like myself could only imagine what her husband is doing at work sooooo late... *kicks open the door to the office* 
Quatre:  *sweatdrop*  Heh...Hi Dorothy...what are you doing here?
Dorothy:  I'm here to make sure you aren't with any other woman...
Quatre:  ....Uh...I was just working--
Dorothy:  not anymore you are! You've done this for three days straight! You look worse then when I stabbed you!
Quatre:  *sigh* Well I am hungry and I was wondering do you know if Shingo is still with Rashid?
Dorothy:  Uh...Well...he went off with Ariel and that idiot Maxwell's daughter...
Quatre:  Where?
Dorothy:  WHAT DO I LOOK LIKE?!?! Some kind of psychic?
Quatre:  No...just wondering...but that's ok that you don't know because I think I have a clue where they are...
Dorothy:  *stare* Reallllllly...
Quatre:  Yep... ^-^

At the NOZ base in the prison area Shingo, Ariel and Duet look around in the dark cold cell they were thrown in.

Shingo:  It's cold...
Ariel:  Oh well...
Shingo:  This is your fault...
Ariel:  Oh really? Since when is it my fault?
Shingo:  Dunno just felt like saying it since I don't like to say it's my fault...
Ariel:  Your lucky that I'm too tired to get up and beat the crap out of you...
Shingo:  Like you could anyways...
Duet:  Oh Please shut up! I'm trying to sleep!
Shingo:  .... : p
Ariel:  ...... : p

Haruka and Milliardo walk quietly into the house as not to be detected by the alarm systems and their father. But what they didn't expect was...

Relena:  And where were you two?
Haruka:  *freezes in place* Uh...
Milliardo:  *also freezes in place and finishes his brothers sentence* Oh were dead...
Relena:  So? Where were you?
Haruka:  Over at Ling's house...
Relena:  Then where's Duet, Ariel and Shingo?
Milliardo: ...Uh...OH MOM! It' was horrible! They got caught but the NOZ! Now, now they might be killed!
Haruka:  *covers Milliardo's mouth* What he means is they went home!
Relena:  Boys...I'm not that stupid!
Heero:  It looks like we better hurry up...
Relena:  Who is 'we'?
Heero:  Me and the boys...
Relena:  Ah no Heero not this again!
Heero:  RELENA! Listen to me! Do you want to do nothing and be killed or do something like let me teach them a bit more about the controls to their gundams and not die?
Relena:  ...Since it's everyone that is going to be effected by this I'll allow it but after this you destroy the gundams and the gundanium once and for all!
Heero:  Fine with me...Tomorrow we're going to the Gundam Hanger at nine in the morning you better sleep for now. 
Haruka and Milliardo:  Mission Accepted! 

Back at the NOZ base in an office.

Sieben: we kill them?
Voice:  Tomorrow...I'd like to make it a live broadcast from earth to the colonies...
Sieben:  Hai...
Eh pretty short to me but heck! It's the fifth episode what more do ya want? Welp tell me what you think!
