
DeathScythe Hell II - This is of course a copy of DeathScythe Hell made by Duo but with a one add on. One add on would be the original ZERO System and of course it still has the double bladed scythe. Duo kept the design the same since he was so confident that he would have a son instead of a daughter.

Heavyarms Kai II - Same as the original Heavyarms Kai but it's able to carry more bullets and few more missiles enough so it can still move. It also has a beam sword encase it does run out of bullets which is most likely. I bet you can guess someone else thought he was gonna have a boy!

Neo Gundanium - An upgraded version of Gundanium it increases speed and in some cases power of the Gundam. Unfortunately not all of the New Gundams have Neo Gundanium for armor.

SandStorm - The remodeled SandRock with a few extra features to it. This gundam has a bit of a splash of all the original gundams instead of having heat shorters it has beam ones also a cloaking ability that only last up to two hours. The gundam is well suited for not only land but space. As you can see this gundam was well built unlike the other ones.

Seiryuu - This has to be the most original gundam out of them! It is a bit modeled after Altron but different colors and get rid of the Dragon Fangs replace it with swords and make the gundam a bit more dragonish and you have Seiryuu!

Silverlight - This is the experimental gundam that Jade piloted. It has an electric whip, beam cannon and claw weapons, it looks for the most part, like a giant metal sphynx. Silverlight has artificial intellegence and is operated by neural connectors which connect the gundam directly to the pilots brain. but without wires. Just two small units.

Tallgesse 4 - Well gee...not much to say about this one but Whoa...twin buster rifle, beam saber, missiles, heat rod damn you name it it's gotta be on this gundam!

Wing II - exact replica of Wing Gundam Heero remade it since he didn't trust Haruka with the ZERO System much more the ZERO SYS II.

Wing Zero II - I'm sure you've seen Wing Zero Custom if so then take that add some more speed some Neo Gundanium along with ZERO SYS II and you have Wing Zero II.

ZERO SYS II - a prototype copy of the original ZERO System but as Heero would say 'It's a more precise then the first one.' Like the first one there still are the hallucinations but they last form 20 mins depending on how experianced the pilot is. The affects start mainly after the pilot gets out of their gundam. There are only about three gundams that have been known to have the system installed into the gundam but as rumor has it the NOZ has a gundam also with the system installed into it though the third gundam is unknown.

ZERO SYS II ProtoType (Z2PT) - This is the non watered down version of the second ZERO system. This version of the system tends to get directly into the pilot's mind and can cause temporary realistic hallucinations and insanity. The system was watered down for that reason apart from the fact that none of the original gundam pilots could handle. It's thought if you have an early awarness of the system's invasion along with a strong mentality you would be able to use the system without any harm.
