Cimorene Maxwell - Present and Future

Name: Cimorene Maxwell
Birthday: June 23, AC 219
Sign: Cancer
Age: Present - 4 months (so far)
Future - 15
Hobby: ???
Pilots: None
Seiyuu: ?

Present - Not much is really known about this kid. If you haven't figured out by now she would be Duo and Hilde's last kid to speak of. Ermmm...hmmm I'll put some more things of interest

Future - To give you this information would be like... ruining the entire NGW Part 2 plot... As if I care. :pp In the future Cimorene goes under the alias "Kuro Hidama" which means Dark Fireball or something like that (been awhile since I thought up that name). She's currently the main controler of the world in that timeline along with her "friend" Koubashi. Being constantly compared to her older sister must have took it's toll on her and thu gave her a great dislike of Duet. To get back at her "favorite" sister she turns around and uses Milliardo against all of the NGW pilots. Eventually the crew comes though in the long run and destory Hidama's forces. The pilots later find out that in an attempt to dispose of them Hidama went back to AC 218 to basically kill their younger selves. Of course this sets NGW in motion and of course you know the ending to this story if you've read Part 2. That's the end of story time kids. ^^;

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