Chang Ashtear - Wufei's Sister...

Chang Ashtear in her younger days - Image Provided by Nanami Tendo
Name: Ashtear Emeraude Chang
Birthday: May 4th
Age: 37
Sign: Taurus
Hobbies: Dancing, singing, writing, reading, practicing Ninjitsu and other Martial arts.
Piloted: None.
Mother of: Torance Williams
Seiyuu: Tsuru Hiromi

Ashtear always hated the place where she lived, she felt her father and brother didn't give her the respect she should have gotten as a human being. She hated her mother for never standing up to her father. When she was 12, she left her house and never mentioned her last name again. From then on She referred to herself as "Ashtear Emeraude" until she heard that her brother was on Earth. She decided that she could no longer hide from her family, especially since he was the only family she had left. So, she hopped on her Motorcycle and headed off to the Winner mansion where she met up with not only her brother, but the other Gundam pilots as well. She temporarily fell for Heero Yuy, but realized that his heart belonged to another. This was all for the best, because later she met Phoenix Williams and they got married and had a child which they named Torance. Ashtear is strong willed, sometimes to a fault. And she hates to see women treated as inferiors. These days, she does all the espionage for the Gundam pilots, keeping the world under watch for any crisis that may arise. She can be gentle and giving, but once she makes up her mind, not hell nor high water will sway it unless she deems it swayable.

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